
专著推荐 | Neuro-Narratology:The Neural Secrets of Narration

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




Neuro-Narratology: The Neural Secrets of Narration


ISBN: 9783631896174 


出版社: Peter Lang

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This book is the result of the reflections I have made over the last ten years on a variety of diversified texts, from literature to autobiographical accounts, from advertising to visual storytelling, etc., with a particular focus on transmedia processes and transdisciplinary methodologies (the term inter-disciplinary has in fact become an outdated tool that is not up to the changes taking place today). In so doing, however, I have always been aware that in order to free the studia humanitatis from the confines of “close reading” I would have to draw on the unlimited experimental arsenals of neuro-cognitivism. Always à la recherche of permanent and transcultural elements (the prefix trans-, as you can see, seems indispensable to me), I have discovered scenarios I had never imagined by drawing on the research of social psychologists on the manner in which we construct narrative formats from infancy, on the studies conducted by evolutionary psychologists with “eye-tracking” to understand the crucial role of visual perceptions in childhood and the equally dominant role of visual storytelling; above all, for years I have consulted the results of multiple experiments through neuroimaging carried out in universities all over the world, collecting evidence of what the brain does when it reads War and Peace, savours a spoonful of Nutella, is an eye-witness to a bloody car accident, listens to someone’s account of what happened to them as children, or reacts to a sudden slap in the face… Everything. Today we know not only the operations performed by neural networks, but the circulatory secrets of neurotransmitters and hormones, propellants without which nothing would happen. The study of narratives – from novels to “life-stories”, which relate more to interstitial topics – has thus become more rigorous, as an unparalleled panorama of constants cemented since the Upper Palaeolithic (e.g. the patterns of action in which a predator studies the tracks of prey in order to overpower it: an original “plot”) has been added to an unprecedented awareness of how each cultural habitat shapes the narratives of its inhabitants according to a particular neuro-cognitive style, thus limiting the so-called ‘authorial’ freedom. Narratives – whether they originate from the Muses or from the voice of a completely illiterate individual – are like compressors that can zip together all the most crucial elements in our existence: time, space, intentions, purposes, agents and instrumental actions. For this reason, they represent an inexhaustible object of research.

What happens in our brain when we create a story? Based on neuro-cognitivism, the study of narratives - ranging from novels to "life-stories", which relate to interstitial topics - has become more rigorous. In fact, an unparalleled panorama of constants, cemented since the Upper Palaeolithic, has been added to an unprecedented awareness of how each cultural habitat shapes the narratives of its inhabitants. This occured according to a particular neuro-cognitive style, thus limiting the so-called "authorial" freedom. Narratives - whether they originate from the Muses or from the voice of a completely illiterate individual - are like compressors that can zip together all the most crucial elements in our existence: time, space, intentions, purposes, agents and instrumental actions. For this reason, they represent an inexhaustible object of research. 

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  • Preface

  • Chapter 1 The fundamentals: Adaptivity, predictivity, counter factuality

  • 1. The neurocognitive grammar of narration

  • 2. “Literary Darwinism”

  • 3. The adaptive function of storytelling

  • 4. The cognitive potential of counterfactuality

  • 5. Synaptic highways and lateral deviations

  • Chapter 2 Because the brain is made to tell

  • 1. The brain circuit responsible for narration

  • 2. “Plot formation” and Default Mode Network

  • 3. Endocrinology and narration

  • 4. Narratives as a cognitive activator

  • 5. Reading and predicting intentions: “Mindreading”

  • Chapter 3 The neurocognitive function of events

  • 1. To segment = to understand

  • 2. The “Event Segmentation Theory” (EST)

  • 3. The case of Stendhal: Segmenting love

  • 4. The fictionalisation of reality

  • Chapter 4 Cortisol and literature: Suspense!

  • 1. A training ground for predicting

  • 2. Emotional suspense and cognitive suspense

  • 3. The 3 types of suspense

  • 4. A neurocognitive laboratory

  • 5. Suspense according to neuroscience

  • Chapter 5 On the therapeutic function of narratives

  • 1. In praise of vicarious passions

  • 2. What is PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  • 3. Visualization and habituation: Towards narrative therapy

  • 4. “Strong Narrativism”

  • Chapter 6 Two noble parvenues: Neurocognitive and computational criticism

  • 1. Bad passions

  • 2. Are emotions hereditary?

  • 3. Gender from a cognitive perspective

  • 4. Gender from a computational perspective

  • 5. Towards the marriage bed

  • References

  • Index

Stefano Calabrese is full professor of Comparative Litarature at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He specializes in both eastern and western literary texts and life narratives by applying neuro-cognitive methods and research results.

Peter Lang出版社2023年7月新出著作预告:


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