
专著推荐 | English for Academic Purposes(2024年新书)

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English for Academic Purposes

Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future

主题词:EAP, 学术英语


书号 ISBN:9781800414471

出版社: Multilingual Matters


Douglas E. Bell is Professor of English Language Education at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). He is the author of Studying for a Masters in TESOL or Applied Linguistics: A Student Reference and Practical Guide (Routledge, 2023).



Since its inception in the 1960s, the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) has enjoyed a period of almost continual expansion and growth and now represents a multi-million dollar industry worldwide. This book provides readers with a critical and comprehensive overview of EAP's birth, its historical development and its ongoing trajectory, incorporating along the way the views of individuals who have played key roles in the field. It examines a wide range of crucial topics in EAP, including pedagogy, materials and assessment and the role of EAP and those who teach it within the academy. The book concludes with a glimpse into the future as the author discusses the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities currently facing EAP and also evaluates some of the threats posed by issues such as privatisation and generative AI.

自 1960 年代成立以来,学术英语 (EAP) 领域经历了一段几乎持续扩张和增长的时期。本书为读者提供了对EAP的诞生、历史发展和持续轨迹的批判性和全面的概述,并在此过程中纳入了在该领域发挥关键作用的个人的观点。本书研究了EAP中广泛的关键主题,包括学术英语教学法、材料、评估以及EAP的作用以及在EAP教师。本书最后展望了未来,作者讨论了EAP目前面临的优势、劣势和机遇,并评估了私有化和生成式人工智能等问题带来的一些威胁。

A stimulating and at times provocative discussion of the prescient issues, questions, and challenges associated with EAP. Bell re-examines older claims about the distinctive features of EAP against today's backdrop, and provides his own insightful perspectives, surfacing key issues and debates today's EAP practitioner-researchers need to consider. This book will be a valuable resource for newer and more experienced EAP practitioner-researchers alike.

Nigel Harwood, University of Sheffield, UK

This book charts the development of EAP as a field of practice and inquiry, provides a fascinating tour of its current landscape, and offers thought-provoking projections about its future. It does an excellent job of informing about, and inviting critical engagement with, key issues in the EAP field.

Guangwei Hu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ever wondered where EAP came from, how and where it might be going? This highly readable book is essential for anyone interested in EAP, ESP and language teaching more broadly. It's full of voices of scholars from across the years, balanced with personal reflections of an experienced EAP practitioner and researcher.

Averil Coxhead, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


  • Acknowledgements

  • Common Acronyms

  • Preface

  • Chapter 1. EAP's Birth and Early Historical Development

  • Chapter 2. Core Issues and Debates 1960–1999      

  • Chapter 3. Core Issues and Debates 2000–2024

  • Chapter 4. The EAP Practitioner        

  • Chapter 5. Approaches to EAP Pedagogy

  • Chapter 6. EAP Materials and EAP Assessment            

  • Chapter 7. The Role and Status of EAP in the Academy

  • Chapter 8. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: Is EAP Facing a Bright or an Uncertain Future?

  • References

  • Author Index

  • Subject Index

  • 国际物流9-12周

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