
“公园里”的“国际范”社区 | 新城 · 芯汇未来华庭

DESIGN FOR LIFE 山水比德上海设计院 2023-09-06




项目占地27297 平方米,



The theme of this project is "International style" community in "park", aiming at the park landscape of small community in large city park system. The design creates the quality feeling of high-end international style by creating "park community" with the temperament of La Defense International New Town.
In this case, the site space is divided into five Spaces, such as front yard and community parent-child sports forest, to meet the needs of activities of the whole age group. Xinhui Future Garden, without going abroad, gives you an international style of life, home is the beginning of enjoyment.

主入口 16m 宽的迎宾景墙以简洁大气的线条感搭配竖向冷光,点状涌泉与空间纵横相交, 传递干净简练的空间节奏,粼粼的波光则在光影变化中与景墙肌理交叠,将时光定格于层层 波纹之中。

The 16m wide welcome wall at the main entrance matches the vertical cold light with a simple and atmospheric sense of line. The spring intersects vertically and horizontally with the space to convey a clean and concise spatial rhythm. The sparkling wave light overlaps with the texture of the wall in the change of light and shadow, fixing the time in layers of ripples.

几何化的入口门楼重构城市界面,隔离城市的喧嚣。6m 高顶棚形成门厅式的入口空间,中间水景和中轴对称的空间布局营造亲和隆重的仪式感,主入口中轴对称,水系层叠而上,退台处理,高低有致,体现庄重仪式感。

The geometric entrance gatehouse reconstructs the urban interface and isolates the noise of the city. The 6m high ceiling forms a hall like entrance space. The spatial layout of the middle waterscape and central axis symmetry creates a sense of affinity and grand ceremony. The central axis of the main entrance is symmetrical, the water system is stacked up, and the platform is retreated. The height is consistent, reflecting the sense of solemn ceremony.

The secondary entrance is inspired by the new Arc de Triomphe, the landmark of balilad fangs, to create a delicate and atmospheric community hall. The horizontal lines of the space design are unified with the building facade, and the horizontal landscape walls on both sides enhance the aesthetic tension of the outward extension of the entrance space, so as to improve the visibilityof the entrance. The diversion of people and vehicles is adopted to ensure the safety of community residents.

From hustle and bustle to quiet, from the world to home, the flower border surrounded by lines guides the change of mood of people returning home, and the backyard is an exclusive quiet courtyard space. The water sculpture echoes the texture pattern of the remote mountain at the secondary entrance in the flower border, creates the scene imagination of water in the mountain, and sets off the sense of community front court ceremony of etiquette returning home.


The multi-functional interactive Gallery of modern art forms, combined with rich flower borders, forms a clear and bright  turning  space. The water playing space is equipped with interactive sensing waterscape buttons to increase the interaction between residents and landscape space, and the straight water line falls on the water surface and ripples. The mirror water reflects the architecture, the corridor and the sky, which constitute the realm of harmony and unity.


Through the careful layout of the device and the pendulum, the indoor and outdoor scenes are linked, and there is a strong sense of site identity when staying in different corners. People can present all kinds of interesting scenes from various angles.


By setting trees with high branching points and dense crowns, a covered shade space is formed. The functional setting of the understory space is combined with the participation of residents to form a compound neighborhood space. A stool under the tree is like an old tree and stone stool at the entrance of the village. "What's the matter? I feel melancholy. The village bridge is like my hometown." when I see the tree, I think of home.

当树梢的叶子融入夜色,入户门厅的灯亮了起来,花境让回家有了仪式感,老人们坐在座椅上等着还没玩够的孩子们,健身回来的人们拉伸压腿。更便捷、更人性化的入户空间设计让 社区生活更有温度。 

When the leaves on the treetops melt into the night, the lights in the entrance hall light up, and the flower border gives home a sense of ceremony. The old people sit on the seats waiting for the children who haven't played enough, and the people who come back from fitness stretch their legs. The more convenient and humanized design of entry space makes the community life more warm.


In this space, reality is stained with dream color. Rockets come in the warm summer sun, ready to travel through the universe and explore galaxies with children's starry dreams.

儿童活动区周边考虑绿化围合,搭配了层次丰富的树种,减弱儿童乐园带来的噪音对社区的影响,同时提升场所安全性,局部为孩子们创造了一个安全有趣的坡地玩耍空间。形成了 0-3 岁、3-6 岁、6-12 岁游玩区,及家长和幼儿休息区,让不同年龄阶段的儿童都能找到属于自己的活动空间,实现更人性化的幼儿活动场地以及幼儿看护。 

Green enclosure is considered around the children's activity area, which is equipped with rich tree species to reduce the impact of noise brought by children's paradise on the community, improve the safety of the place, and create a safe and interesting slope playing space for children in some areas. It has formed a play area for children aged 0-3, 3-6 and 6-12, as well as a rest area for parents and children, so that children of different ages can find their own activity space and realize more humanized child activity venues and child care.


In the design of the sunshine lawn area, the plant configuration of the scenic spot is emphasized with the method of compound layer by layer planting. The paved sideline leads to the green grass and shrub line, emphasizing the overall modern style, the scattered collocation of the height of plants, and the canopy line emphasizing space. No matter pacing or taking a nap, it is comfortable to be in nature and blowing the breeze.


The site absorbs the two dimensions of health + blending, and creates a natural and comfortable understory space from the ecological, health, blending, exquisite and humanistic considerations. The design is combined with planning to create a full-age interactive space that meets the life renewal of owners of different ages and integrates amusement, sports and fun and recreation without affecting fire protection.


The corner outside the window belongs to the unique overlooking aesthetics of the high-rise. Overlooking the scenery is a way of life. Enjoy the sun and walk into the windowsill.


More important than space is the connection between man and nature and the relationship between people. Here, you will enjoy the lucky time in the park.




建筑设计:上海天华建筑设计有限公司  江苏筑森建筑设计有限公司





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