
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2023年第3期摘要

语言学通讯 语言学通讯


通讯君与Routledge/Taylor & Francis合作推广旗下的语言学及应用语言学著作、期刊。


主编:Roberto A. Valdeón - University of Oviedo, Spain




期刊动态 | 翻译学期刊Translation Spaces2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学期刊Translation in Society2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Target2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Target2023年第2期

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Translation and Interpreting Studies2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学期刊Forum2023年第1期

期刊动态 | Translation, Cognition & Behavior2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Babel2023年第1期目录摘要

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2023年第1期摘要
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2023年第2期摘要

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Interpreting2023年第1期摘要

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Pragmatics 2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学期刊Translation and Translanguaing2023年第1期

期刊动态 | 翻译学期刊Translation and Translanguaing2023年第2期

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Pragmatics and Society2023年第2期

期刊动态 | Internaitonal Journal of Corpus Linguistics2023年第1期

期刊动态 | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics2023年第2期

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Journal of Language and Politics2023年第1期
期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Journal of Language and Politics2023年第2期

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Pragmatics and Society2023年第1期

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Pragmatics and Society2023年第2期

期刊动态 | Language Teaching for Young Learners 2023年第1期目录及摘要

科研助力 | John Benjamins语言学期刊2023年电子账户订阅



Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice encourages the submission of papers that explore issues concerning all kinds of language and cultural mediation, including but not limited to literary translation, technical and scientific translation, interpreting, audiovisual translation, intralingual mediation and so on. Both empirical and theoretical studies are welcome, but articles should appeal to a wide international readership. From 2022, Perspectives will not consider articles on pedagogical issues. 注意:翻译教学研究不要投稿了
Perspectives also encourages interdisciplinary studies, with areas such as communication studies, sociology, applied and theoretical linguistics, history, literary theory, postcolonial studies, gender studies and so on. Authors are expected to engage with previous publications which might open up new avenues and directions of research. 
Contributors are reminded that submissions should be written in good academic English and follow the style guide of the journal.
Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice is published six times a year, each issue consisting of approximately 160 pages. The language of publication is English although the issues discussed may involve all languages and language combinations. Submissions should be circa 7,000 words.

Perspectives also publishes reviews of some of the most important publications in the field. Those interested in reviewing a book should contact our review editor, Kyle Conway, at kconwa2@uottawa.ca.  Perspectives does not publish unsolicited reviews.注意:不接受非邀书评。

本文编辑: 王峰 山东大学



 Translation in times of crises and conflictsRoberto A. Valdeón Pages: 383-394

Path-generating moves in professional identity building: marriage migrant community interpreters and their institutional environments in South Korea 
Taeyoung Yoo
Pages 395-412
摘要This study examines the trajectory of the professional identity of marriage migrant community interpreters in South Korea. The overall literature exploring the identity of translators and interpreters has displayed a rather one-sided focus on either actors or institutional environments and less attention has been directed to their interactions. In contrast, this study highlights how conflicting interactions between marriage migrant community interpreters and their institutional environments facilitate path-generating moves in community interpreters' professional identity building. An empirical analysis based on over ten years of multiple data sources including a survey, in-depth interviews, and official documents, reveals that these community interpreters face contradictory job descriptions (i.e., simultaneous implementation of roles as compassionate community helper and impartial interpreter) and insufficient remuneration for their services. Faced with the South Korean government's disregard of their calls for improvement of these unfavorable institutional environments, these community interpreters have elaborated their identity beyond their stated job descriptions via voluntary social activities and have even searched for more clearly defined jobs outside of their current professions, such as in social work. The findings illustrate that interactions between actors and institutional environments help the actors to move towards a new phase to manage the unresolved conflicts over their identity.
‘Trauma informs so much of what happens:’ interpreting refugee-background clients in Aotearoa New Zealand
Alejandra González Campanella
Pages: 413-430
摘要Trauma is inherent to the experience of forced migration and resettlement in a foreign country. Adding to the ordeal, language barriers often hinder access to essential services and enhance feelings of dependency and loss of control. However, there is a dearth of literature exploring refugee language support, particularly interpreting, from the perspective of culturally-responsive, trauma-informed care. This paper presents findings from a qualitative study on the characteristics of interpreting for refugees in Aotearoa New Zealand in relation to trauma-informed practices. Relying on the experiences and views of 14 interpreters, the findings show a difficulty establishing interpreting in refugee contexts as a clearly bound setting within public service interpreting. The findings further suggest that interpreter work with refugees – and other vulnerable clients – is underpinned by a lack of dedicated training and recurrent challenges to the interpreters’ code of ethics. Additionally, interpreters working in this context often experience enhanced empathic responses, which can lead to instances of psycho-emotional distress. Consequently, this paper aims to shed light on the challenges of interpreting work with vulnerable populations, particularly refugees, and the need for culturally responsive, trauma-informed training to improve service delivery and protect the parties involved in the interpreted session.
Crisis interpreting and Deaf community access in the COVID-19 pandemic
Elizabeth Mathews, Patrick Cadwell, Shaun O’Boyle & Senan Dunne
Pages: 431-449
摘要:Scientific and public health knowledge must be communicated efficiently to the public during a health crisis to allow communities to prepare, respond and recover. Public briefings and national campaigns are important components of this communication, and sign language interpreting may be an element of this process. This paper examines the experiences of sign language interpreters during the COVID-19 crisis in Ireland and the UK, and explores their role in providing access to scientific and public health information for the Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) community. Findings are based on interviews conducted in the first half of 2020 with 16 Irish Sign Language (ISL) or British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters or science communicators, 11 of whom had direct experience of interpreting during COVID-19 briefings. These interviews constitute authentic accounts of sign language interpreters working during a global health crisis. Interviews were qualitatively analysed to discuss how specialised competence and scientific understanding factored into participants' experiences and to derive lessons to inform future crises.

Tension in translation: Spain’s and Catalonia’s discourse on independence
Marc Pomerleau
Pages: 450-469
摘要:In the aftermath of the 2010 legal and political crisis surrounding the status of Catalonia within Spain, the Catalan pro-independence civil society undertook an extensive campaign during which they produced, translated and distributed many documents in favor of independence. The aim of this campaign was to make the international community, especially the European Union, aware of the Catalan independence cause and ultimately to garner support from outside Catalonia and Spain. Our study aims to understand the way pro-independence discourse in translation depicts the crisis at large, and more specifically the relationship between Catalonia and Spain in the early stages of the crisis. To this end, we conducted a critical discourse analysis using Chilton and Schäffner’s strategic functions, drawing on three books produced, translated and distributed between 2010 and 2014 and that deal primarily with the independence of this autonomous community of Spain.

The translators who shook the world: journalists and translators in the Russian Revolution
Marcos Rodríguez-Espinosa
Pages: 470-483
摘要:Shortly after the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in February 1917, foreign newspapers and news agencies dispatched some of their best journalists, including a group of highly rated women reporters, to send their chronicles from a conflict which left an enduring memory in their lives. Most correspondents who travelled to Russia soon realised that their news coverage would depend on their recruitment of translators, interpreters, or other language mediators. Drawing on a selection of historical, journalistic and translation research sources, as well as on a number of memoirs, personal accounts and biographies of foreign correspondents, in this article we examine a number of unexplored topics related to the complementary and sometimes contradictory relationship between journalists and translators and interpreters during the Russian Revolution: (a) the demanding communication issues faced by foreign correspondents on their arrival in the country; (b) the meaningful contribution, frequently obscured in journalistic accounts, of translators or interpreters in the newsgathering process; (c) the ambivalent relationship between journalists and translators and how their divergent political ideologies might have interfered with their bond of trust; and (d) the role of correspondents within activist networks, especially in the Bolshevik party, when performing propaganda activities, which included diverse translation assignments.

Translating spaces and memories of migration: the case of the Red Star Line Museum
Anneleen Spiessens & Sophie Decroupet
Pages: 484-504
摘要:This article examines the construction and transmission of memory in the Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp, Belgium. The museum, which opened in 2013 in the historic buildings of the shipping company, presents itself as a unique lieu de mémoire, harbouring the stories of the many Europeans who migrated across the Atlantic in the early 20th century. We concentrate on a Translation Studies perspective to chart and interconnect the various levels of memory-work in this museum. Drawing on broader definitions of translation as cultural transfer and mnemonic mediation, and linking these to the narrow concept of translation ‘proper’, our analysis demonstrates how the museum functions as a local repository for transnational memories. Moreover, it shows how the museum becomes a catalyst for the further travelling of these memories. The focus lies on the museum’s use of spatiality to translate personal memories of migration for a contemporary audience. It is the physical sensation of shared spaces – authentic or reconstructed – and the palimpsestic movement through those spaces that help visitors gain a tangible sense of what happened there. Interlingual translations of gallery texts are vital for the worldwide circulation of the stories, but occasionally cause shifts in the spatial–temporal framework.
‘A picture of hell on earth’: Translating imagery in Hiroshima memoirs
Eliza Nicoll
Pages: 505-518
摘要:The trauma experienced by survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima manifests itself in various ways when they commit their stories to paper. Through practice-based research into translating the atomic narratives in Personal Accounts of the Atomic Bomb, this article explores how the translator can analyse the source language articulation of trauma to transmit the unfamiliar and unfathomable experience of the A-bomb. Drawing upon Deane-Cox’s concept of the translator as the secondary witness, this paper emphasises the centrality of metaphorical images invoked by trauma survivors and draws the translator’s focus to the cultural references embedded within. It also highlights the survivors’ use of sensory perceptions as a means of giving shape to their experiences, creating an illocutionary intensity that must be retained in translation. Exploring the translation of trauma narratives not only expands the breadth of research into trauma translation but also makes more widely available first-person accounts of the physical and emotional impact of the A-bomb in Hiroshima.

Interpreter-mediated access to the written record in police interviews
Sofie Verliefde & Bart Defrancq
Pages: 519-547
摘要:One of the main goals of the police interview is the drafting of a written record. That written record is the textual outcome of a complex negotiation process on the content and wording of what is being recorded. The interviewee’s ability to negotiate content and wording is however limited when the interviewee is denied access to the text of the record. Such access may be granted through the police officer’s reading out loud what he is typing while drafting. In many cases, that access does not go beyond the interpreter, as the interpreter does not always identify the police officer’s reading turns as conversational turns to be interpreted. In our dataset, Belgian interpreters for Dutch are seen to involve themselves in the negotiation process instead of rendering the police officer’s reading turns, repeating segments the latter failed to record or correcting information they perceive to be erroneous. Only when the interpreter decides to transfer the access to the written record granted by the police officer to the interviewee by rendering the police officer’s reading turns, the interviewee is able to enter in the negotiation process on the content of the written record and able to offer confirmations, corrections or elaborations.

Darwin translated into Turkish with a Marxist agenda: a sociological inquiry into the agents of translation
Nesrin Conker
Pages: 548-561
摘要:This paper studies the agents of translation who introduced Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) into Turkish more than one hundred years after their original publication in England. Elaborating on the agents’ motives for translating and publishing Darwin’s works in the Turkish (leftist) publication field, the study considers translator Öner Ünalan (1935–2011) and publisher Muzaffer İlhan Erdost (1932–2020), within the framework of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of action. The findings of the study epitomize the ‘two-way relationship’ between the habituses of the agents of translation and the social dynamics of the field(s) in which they operate. The article demonstrates that Ünalan and Erdost’s translatorial interest in Darwin’s works was closely linked to the strong influence of Marxism on their social dispositions and to the dynamics of the Turkish publication field between the 1960s and 1980s. As a result, Ünalan and Erdost’s Darwin translations contributed to an increase in the scientific and social distinction of both the Marxist movement and the Turkish leftist publication field during a period of growing tension between right – and left-wing ideologies in Turkey.

Lexical borrowing in journalism in a time of political crisis
Nina Havumetsä
Pages: 562-575

摘要:This article examines lexical borrowing from Russian that takes the form of loanwords and loan translations, often in connection with an explanation of the concept, in Finnish journalistic writing. The material consists of news articles that were published in three major Finnish online news outlets in the three-month period (one month per news outlet) that led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. During that time, with interest in Russian foreign politics growing and political tensions rising, news reporting on Russia also increased. The present study focuses on what was borrowed from Russian during that time and the kinds of translation strategies that were used by journalists to convey the meanings of Russian concepts to Finnish readers. Loanwords and loan translations are analyzed qualitatively and discussed from the point of view of the context of their use from December 2021 – February 2022. The results show that loanwords were not numerous and often did not appear to aim to emphasize the foreign aspect.

Ideological rewriting of conflict and violence in The Wind in the Willows: mitigating class struggle through translation into Chinese
Mingming Yuan
Pages: 576-590

摘要:This paper investigates how conflict and violence in Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows (1908) is represented in Yang Jingyuan’s Chinese translation of the novel. With a subtext that implicates conflict in class struggle at a time of rapid social change, Grahame’s novel offers an opportunity to explore how ideological factors influence the translation process. Through selective tailoring and nuanced word choice, violence is culturally and ideologically appropriated in the translation so that it preserves potentially objectionable elements in the source text while complying with the prevailing ideology of the target culture. The analysis reveals how translation is intertwined with internalised censorship, which is informed by the sociocultural structures of the target context as reflected in the translator’s social and cultural history.

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