
国际信息安全顶级会议ACM CCS 2022论文合集整理(上)

ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)是国际公认的信息安全领域旗舰会议,信息安全领域出名的四大顶级会议之一,属于CCF A类会议。由于论文数目较多,本次推文将整理一部分CCS 2022收录的论题目,后续还会整理剩余论文,读者可根据兴趣进行详细阅读。
  • Updatable Public Key Encryption from DCR: Efficient Constructions With Stronger Security

  • Helping or Hindering?: How Browser Extensions Undermine Security

  • Practical, Round-Optimal Lattice-Based Blind Signatures

  • Blacktooth: Breaking through the Defense of Bluetooth in Silence

  • Server-Aided Continuous Group Key Agreement

  • Enforcing Fine-grained Constant-time Policies

  • Post Quantum Noise

  • Laconic Private Set-Intersection From Pairings

  • Efficient Secure Three-Party Sorting with Applications to Data Analysis and Heavy Hitters

  • Chaghri - A FHE-friendly Block Ciphe

  • Secure Parallel Computation on Privately Partitioned Data and Applications

  • Thora: Atomic and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Channel Updates

  • Sleepy Channels: Bi-directional Payment Channels without Watchtowers

  • On the Adaptive Security of the Threshold BLS Signature Scheme

  • Secret-Shared Joins with Multiplicity from Aggregation Trees


  • META-BTS: Bootstrapping Precision Beyond the Limit


  • i-TiRE: Incremental Timed-Release Encryption or How to use Timed-Release Encryption on Blockchains?


  • Membership Inference Attacks and Generalization: A Causal Perspective


  • Tidy: Symbolic Verification of Timed Cryptographic Protocols


  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Spreading Deadly Pathogens Under the Disguise of Popular Music


  • Feta: Efficient Threshold Designated-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs


  • Distributed, Private, Sparse Histograms in the Two-Server Model


  • Threshold Cryptography as a Service (in the Multiserver and YOSO Models)


  • Privacy Limitations of Interest-based Advertising on The Web: A Post-mortem Empirical Analysis of Google's FLoC


  • JIT-Picking: Differential Fuzzing of JavaScript Engines


  • A Symbolic Analysis of Privacy for TLS 1.3 with Encrypted Client Hello


  • Power Contracts: Provably Complete Power Leakage Models for Processors


  • Themis: An On-Site Voting System with Systematic Cast-as-intended Verification and Partial Accountability


  • Victory by KO: Attacking OpenPGP Using Key Overwriting


  • Do Opt-Outs Really Opt Me Out?


  • Vizard: A Metadata-hiding Data Analytic System with End-to-End Policy Controls


  • Succinct Zero-Knowledge Batch Proofs for Set Accumulators


  • Widespread Underestimation of Sensitivity in Differentially Private Libraries and How to Fix It


  • SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems


  • Graph Unlearning


  • MetaEmu: An Architecture Agnostic Rehosting Framework for Automotive Firmware


  • PSI from Ring-OLE


  • HammerScope: Observing DRAM Power Consumption Using Rowhammer


  • SortingHat: Efficient Private Decision Tree Evaluation via Homomorphic Encryption and Transciphering


  • SSLGuard: A Watermarking Scheme for Self-supervised Learning Pre-trained Encoders


  • The Generals' Scuttlebutt: Byzantine-Resilient Gossip Protocols


  • Sharp: Short Relaxed Range Proofs


  • QuerySnout: Automating the Discovery of Attribute Inference Attacks against Query-Based Systems


  • VRust: Automated Vulnerability Detection for Solana Smart Contracts


  • Fast Fully Secure Multi-Party Computation over Any Ring with Two-Thirds Honest Majority


  • Understanding Security Issues in the NFT Ecosystem


  • GearBox: Optimal-size Shard Committees by Leveraging the Safety-Liveness Dichotomy


  • STAR: Secret Sharing for Private Threshold Aggregation Reporting


  • CANflict: Exploiting Peripheral Conflicts for Data-Link Layer Attacks on Automotive Networks


  • Two-Client Inner-Product Functional Encryption with an Application to Money-Laundering Detection


  • On the (In)Security of Secure ROS2


  • FenceSitter: Black-box, Content-Agnostic, and Synchronization-Free Enrollment-Phase Attacks on Speaker Recognition Systems


  • StrongBox: A GPU TEE on Arm Endpoints


  • Understanding Real-world Threats to Deep Learning Models in Android Apps


  • A Run a Day Won't Keep the Hacker Away: Inference Attacks on Endpoint Privacy Zones in Fitness Tracking Social Networks

  • Second-Order Low-Randomness d + 1 Hardware Sharing of the AES

  • Improving Line-Point Zero Knowledge: Two Multiplications for the Price of One

  • Shorter Signatures Based on Tailor-Made Minimalist Symmetric-Key Crypto

  • Leakage and Tamper Resilient Permutation-Based Cryptography

  • Exposing the Rat in the Tunnel: Using Traffic Analysis for Tor-based Malware Detection

  • Watch Out for Race Condition Attacks When Using Android External Storage

  • Perception-Aware Attack: Creating Adversarial Music via Reverse-Engineering Human Perception

  • Towards Automated Safety Vetting of Smart Contracts in Decentralized Applications

  • Poirot: Probabilistically Recommending Protections for the Android Framework

  • TurboPack: Honest Majority MPC with Constant Online Communication

  • Automatic Detection of Speculative Execution Combinations

  • When Frodo Flips: End-to-End Key Recovery on FrodoKEM via Rowhammer

  • NFGen: Automatic Non-linear Function Evaluation Code Generator for General-purpose MPC Platforms

  • Shifted Inverse: A General Mechanism for Monotonic Functions under User Differential Privacy

  • CINI MINIS: Domain Isolation for Fault and Combined Security

  • Adversarial Correctness and Privacy for Probabilistic Data Structures

  • LibAFL: A Framework to Build Modular and Reusable Fuzzers

  • Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs on Signed Data with Applications to Verifiable Computation on Data Streams

  • Minotaur: Multi-Resource Blockchain Consensus

  • Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices

  • Am I Private and If So, how Many?: Communicating Privacy Guarantees of Differential Privacy with Risk Communication Formats

  • Understanding the How and the Why: Exploring Secure Development Practices through a Course Competition

  • "Is your explanation stable?": A Robustness Evaluation Framework for Feature Attribution

  • Secure Auctions in the Presence of Rational Adversaries
  • Dumbo-NG: Fast Asynchronous BFT Consensus with Throughput-Oblivious Latency

  • Succinct Zero Knowledge for Floating Point Computations

  • Practical Settlement Bounds for Proof-of-Work Blockchains

  • Hecate: Lifting and Shifting On-Premises Workloads to an Untrusted Cloud

  • C2C: Fine-grained Configuration-driven System Call Filtering

  • Foundations of Coin Mixing Services

  • ATTRITION: Attacking Static Hardware Trojan Detection Techniques Using Reinforcement Learning

  • Watch Your Back: Identifying Cybercrime Financial Relationships in Bitcoin through Back-and-Forth Exploration

  • DangZero: Efficient Use-After-Free Detection via Direct Page Table Access

  • Reinforced Concrete: A Fast Hash Function for Verifiable Computation

  • Proof-of-Possession for KEM Certificates using Verifiable Generation

  • SPECPATCH: Human-In-The-Loop Adversarial Audio Spectrogram Patch Attack on Speech Recognition

  • Identifying a Training-Set Attack's Target Using Renormalized Influence Estimation

  • Location Heartbleeding: The Rise of Wi-Fi Spoofing Attack Via Geolocation API

  • How to Hide MetaData in MLS-Like Secure Group Messaging: Simple, Modular, and Post-Quantum

  • Behind the Scenes of RPKI

  • On the Privacy Risks of Cell-Based NAS Architectures

  • Kryvos: Publicly Tally-Hiding Verifiable E-Voting

  • Selective MPC: Distributed Computation of Differentially Private Key-Value Statistics

  • SpecDoctor: Differential Fuzz Testing to Find Transient Execution Vulnerabilities

  • Microarchitectural Leakage Templates and Their Application to Cache-Based Side Channels

  • Differentially Private Triangle and 4-Cycle Counting in the Shuffle Model

注:转载时请说明 “本文转自隐私计算研习社公众号”

eepfake Text Detection: Limitations and Opportunities Private, Efficient, and Accurate: Protecting Models Trained by Multi-party Learning with Differential Privacy


隐私并集计算 Shuffle-based Private Set Union:Faster and more secure
信息安全领域顶级会议IEEE S&P 2023论文收录整理

