
论文快递: 第二百十三期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百十三期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的两篇论文和Current Issue的三篇论文。主题包括升级分区,城市想象和建筑师的角色,非正规经济与工作,空间集聚与隔离梯度,以及贫困空间化。欢迎阅读。


The heterogeneous impacts of widespread upzoning: Lessons from Auckland, New Zealand


Ka Shing Cheung(新西兰奥克兰大学Paavo Monkkonen(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Chung Yim Yiu(新西兰奥克兰大学首次出版时间:2023/07/30|研究论文
AbstractZoning reform is increasingly recognised as an important strategy to increase housing affordability and environmental sustainability. Few cities have undertaken significant upzoning of low-density neighbourhoods, making the 2016 Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) probably the most ambitious zoning reform in the world. Parcels zoned for single houses previously dominated Auckland, but three-quarters of them now allow multiple units. Existing studies have documented the building boom that followed this zoning reform, yet the relatively rare case offers additional insights. In this article, we use appraisal, census and zoning data on over 200,000 parcels in Auckland to answer three research questions about the heterogeneous impacts of the AUP. First, to what extent did upzoning increase the appraised value of properties’ redevelopment options? Second, did upzoning increase appraised property values to a greater degree in higher-income and more centrally located neighbourhoods? Finally, was zoning reform in Auckland significantly influenced by similar political pressures as in other countries? That is, was upzoning less likely (and downzoning more likely) in higher-income neighbourhoods? The answers to these three questions are substantially, it’s complicated, and yes.

人们日益认识到,分区改革是提高住房可负担性和环境可持续性的重要战略。很少有城市对低密度街区进行重大升级分区,因此2016 年的“奥克兰统一规划” (AUP)可能是世界上最雄心勃勒的分区改革。以前,奥克兰的大部分地块都被划为独栋住宅区,但现在其中四分之三的地块都允许建造多个单元。现有研究记录了这一分区改革后的建筑热潮,然而这一相对罕见的案例可以为我们提供更多的启示。在本文中,我们利用奥克兰20 多万个地块的评估、人口普查和分区数据,研究并回答了关于 “奥克兰统一规划”不同影响的三个问题。首先,升级分区在多大程度上提高了房产重建方案的评估价值?其次,在收入较高、位置较中心的街区,分区是否在更大程度上提高了房产评估价值呢?最后,奥克兰的分区改革是否与其他国家一样极大地受到类似政治压力的影响呢?也就是说,在收入较高的街区,是不是升级分区的可能性较小(而降低分区的可能性较大)呢?这三个问题的答案分别是 “很大程度上”“很复杂”和“是的”。


house prices, land use regulations, neighbourhood effects, political economy, redevelopment option, upzoning



A performing arts centre for whom? Rethinking the architect as negotiator of urban imaginaries


Inge Goudsmit(香港中文大学,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Maria Kaika(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Nanke Verloo(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/29|研究论文

In this study, we interpret architecture not as a single imaginary stemming from architects and architectural patrons, but as the result of negotiating urban politics and urban imaginaries between different stakeholders, including policymakers, citizens, and developers. We focus in particular on the role of architects within this process as mediators between different stakeholders, who nevertheless have their own specific agenda to pursue. We draw on an empirical case of the Taipei Performing Arts Centre, a cultural flagship project built in Taiwan and designed by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture. Through a review of internal documents, interviews, and content analysis on archival data, we expose the controversy over the integration of the historical ‘low culture’ local food market into the design for the new ‘high culture’ Performing Arts Centre. Although the architects imagined and pursued the integration of the new centre into the existing local culture, both policymakers and local citizens contested this attempt. The study concludes that, despite claims from both policymakers and architects of representing ‘the people’, there were often misunderstandings, deliberate or otherwise, regarding the needs of ‘the people’ or indeed of who ‘the people’ are.




iconic architecture, OMA, role of architects, urban imaginary, urban politics 



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231183154


Precarious and non-precarious work in the informal sector: Evidence from South Africa


Hermanus Stephanus Geyer(南非斯泰伦博斯大学)首次出版时间:2023/01/11|研究论文
AbstractThe research analyses the precarious and non-precarious work practices within the informal sector. Labour in the informal sector and in regions without strong labour relations is not uniformly precarious but is categorised by a bimodality of incomes, citizenships and conducts. This creates opportunities for insurgent modes of counter-conduct in the interstices of regulations and social conventions, but has also resulted in exclusive local citizenships and revanchist strategies. From numerous in-depth interviews, the study found that the Covid-19 lockdown and economic recession led to a new dialectical relationship between long-term residents and a precariat in-group of non-propertied actors, recent migrants and immigrants in the informal sector. Long-term resi- dents with local citizenship aggregated formal and informal incomes and secondary incomes within the household, elevating them out of precariousness, although primarily active in the informal sector. These included strategies of adverse incorporation and revanchist conducts to maintain incomes for non-precarious workers. Marginalised precarious workers shifted to modes of counter-conduct, hiding the true nature of the business, evading strict social conventions on local trade and pursuing new inter-ethnic citizenships based on strategic partnerships.



Keywordscitizenship, counter-conduct, informality, precarious work, precarity




Defining ‘metropolitan’ poverty: Isolation gradients in major US urban areas


Scott William Hegerty(美国东北伊利诺伊大学)

AbstractAs suburban poverty has become more prevalent in recent years, low-income neighbourhoods have emerged outside of many central cities. In many regions, however, there remains a stark divide between the core city and outlying areas. Measuring poverty concentrations, therefore, depends on the choice of geographic scale. Widespread urban poverty results in low measures of poverty concentration inside core cities, and whether this increases or decreases once suburbs are considered depends on specific regional characteristics. This study calculates ‘isolation gradients’ for the population in poverty in the 50 largest US Metropolitan areas (MSAs), extending from the core city to beyond the MSA level. A variety of patterns emerge, including sharp increases in isolation scores outside the city (as in Detroit) as well as decreases (for Atlanta). An econometric analysis of the ratio of MSA-level to core-city isolation scores finds that, controlling for land area and core-city poverty rates, much of the variance is explained by per-capita income and differences in racial segregation. A comparison of gradients in 2000 and 2015–2019 for a subset of cities shows additional patterns of suburban and urban convergence and divergence.


Keywords poverty, quantitative methods, spatial concentration, United States, urban areas

贫困, 定量方法, 空间集聚, 美国, 城市区域



‘We lurk in the hidden places’: The (un)stable spatialisation of Roma poverty in Romania


Ionuxt-Marian Anghel(罗马尼亚生活质量研究所)

Filip Mihai Alexandrescu(罗马尼亚生活质量研究所)



This article studies the urban geographies of Roma poverty by exploring variations in spatialisation. We draw on Sassen’s work on expulsions to argue that the spatialisation of poverty does not always result in a ‘ghetto’. We show instead that the ‘savage sorting’ of winners and losers and the resulting expulsions separate Roma into different levels of (housing) market worthiness. However, this sorting is also shaped by a ‘governance of Gypsy urban areas’ that enables a partial stabilisation of expulsion outcomes. We flesh out these arguments using interviews and observations collected in several Roma ghettos and slum areas from two Transylvanian mid-sized cities in Romania. Our research indicates that the spatialisation of (Roma) poverty is the result of disordering and re-ordering processes, that make it more ruthless, but at the same time politically containable.


本文通过探索空间化的各种变化形式,来研究造成罗姆人的贫困的城市地理因素。我们利用撒森 (Sassen) 关于驱逐的著作,论证了贫困的空间化并不总是会导致“贫民窟”的出现。相反,我们表明,赢家和输家的“野蛮分类”以及由此产生的驱逐将罗姆人按不同的(住房)市场价值分为不同等级。然而,这种分类也受到“吉普赛城市地区治理”的影响,这种治理能够使部分驱逐结果稳定下来。我们在罗马尼亚的特兰西瓦尼亚 (Transylvanian) 地区的两个中型城市,选择了几个罗姆人聚居区和贫民区,对居民进行了采访,并进行了观察,我们用收集到的材料来证实这些论点。我们的研究表明,(罗姆人)贫困的空间化是经过失序和重新排序后的结果,这使得它更加无情,在政治上却是可控的。

Keywordsexpulsion, Gypsy urban areas, Romania, spatialisation of poverty, urban citizenship

驱逐, 吉普赛城市地区, 罗马尼亚, 贫困空间化, 城市公民身份




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