
论文快递: 第二百一十一期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百一十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的四篇论文和Volume 60, Issue 9中的一篇论文。主题包括新自由主义城市化,智慧城市权利,拉丁美洲地区的城市学术研究气候城市化和炎热不安全,新冠肺炎疫情和城市公共卫生治理。欢迎阅读。


Who owns the city? Neoliberal urbanism and land purchases in Gurgaon, India


Meher Bhagia(美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学)Mallika Bose(美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/14|研究论文
AbstractIncreasing purchases of valuable real estate for storing capital have contributed to the soaring prices of modest housing in many global cities and in several South Asian cities such as Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. Saskia Sassen has drawn attention to the phenomenon of underutilisation of purchased properties existing alongside the acute demand for housing by lowand moderate-income households in the same cities. Despite the gravity of this issue, empirical analyses of urban land transactions remain rare, especially because such purchases often tend to be piecemeal and obscure, involving a multitude of smaller land deals and a variety of actors. This paper examines corporate purchases of urban land in Gurgaon, a city adjacent to New Delhi that has embraced neoliberal economic policies. By creating a land database for the upcoming sectors in the city, the study makes sharply visible: (1) the radical changes in property ownership patterns from agricultural land to luxury gated communities, (2) the growing corporate investments, extreme concentration of land ownership and deeply unequal distribution of urban land and (3) the use of various illicit practices by market-leading companies in land banking.

人们越来越多地购买有价值的房地产以储存资本,导致许多全球城市和一些南亚城市(如孟买、德里和班加罗尔)普通住房的价格飙升。Saskia Sassen 提醒人们注意,在同一个城市中,存在着已购房产未被充分利用而中低收入家庭急需住房的现象。尽管这个问题十分严重,但对城市土地交易的实证分析仍然很少,特别是由于此类购买往往零散而隐蔽,涉及众多小规模土地交易和各种参与者。本文研究了企业在古尔冈购买城市士地的情况,古尔冈是一个毗邻新德里的城市,采用的是新自由主义经济政策。通过为该市即将开发的地区建立土地数据库,本研究清晰地展示了:(1)财产所有权模式的根本性变化,即从农业用地到豪华封闭社区,(2)企业投资不断增长、土地所有权的极端集中和城市土地分配的严重不均,及(3)市场领先公司在土地储备中采用的各种非法手段。


corporate land ownership, illicit, India, neoliberal urbanism, urban land grab



The right to the smart city in the Global South: A research agenda


Tooran Alizadeh(澳大利亚悉尼大学)Deepti Prasad(澳大利亚悉尼大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/14|研究论文

Urban research has increasingly embraced the Global South, as recent critical scholarship continues opening to Southern cities, scholars and ideas generated from the South. Here, we (the authors, two women of the Global South) think strategically about ‘the Southern urban critique’, ‘the right to the city’ and ‘smart cities’ – as well as some limitations of doing so. Intrigued by the fast pace of smart city development across the Global South, and informed by the ongoing critical debates and increasing empirical work focused on the unfolding of ‘smart’ in the Southern cities, we put forward a research agenda ‘the right to the smart city in the Global South’. Through three lenses of expose, propose and politicise this research agenda articulates the smart city shortcomings from a Southern critical perspective to elevate the ongoing empirical studies on the subject, to shed light on the gaps in knowledge, and to produce a normative alternative vision for ‘just smart city’. Our challenge to readers is to help create such smart cities, to engage with and reflect on the arguments in this positioning piece, and then complement them with further nor- mative, future-oriented work – informed by empirical knowledge – to fully map out the particularities of an alternative Southern smart city, to inform planning and policymaking for just smart cities, and to enact the right to the smart city in the Global South.




Global South, smart city, southern urban critique, the right to the city, urban theory



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231183167


Writing the Latin American city: Trajectories of urban scholarship


Catalina Ortiz(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2023/07/14|研究论文
AbstractScholarship on urban Latin America is prolific and multifaceted. The region not only is the most urbanised in the world but also the most unequal. This distinctive feature makes it rich and relevant for urban theory-making. This essay introduces a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) on urban studies in Latin America that showcases a selection of articles from the journal’s archives from the mid-1970s to the present. It aims to locate urban studies scholarship in/about the region in the context of democratisation struggles and their urban implications. On the one hand, it traces the intellectual trajectories of some key urban debates bringing attention to their disciplinary, methodological and theoretical underpinnings. The VSI identifies four well-established strands: (1) Disputes around local governance; (2) Anatomy of uneven urbanisation; (3) Housing provision landscapes and infrastructural assemblages; and (4) Economic geographies and variegated gentrifications. On the other hand, it delineates a broad picture of the emergent debates and thematic, methodological and geographical absences in the pages of this journal. Through this analysis, the editorial concludes by identifying some potentially productive future directions for research.

关于拉丁美洲城市的学术研究丰富多样。该地区不仅是世界上城市化程度最高的地区,也是最不平等的地区。这一显著特点使得拉丁美洲在城市理论制定方面具有丰富的内容和意义。本文介绍了关于拉丁美洲城市研究的一份虚拟特刊 (VSI),并展示了从1970 年代中期至今的该期刊档案中精选的文章。该特刊旨在将拉丁美洲地区的城市学术研究放在民主化斗争及其城市影响的背景之下。一方面,它追溯了一些关键城市辩论的知识轨迹,使人们注意到其学科、方法论和理论基础。该虚拟特刊指出了四个已经确立的研究领域:(1)地方治理纷争;(2)不均衡城市化的剖析;(3)住房供应图景和基础设施组合;及(4)经济地理和多种多样的绅士化。另一方面,它勾勒出该期刊中新兴辩论的广泛图景,并指出了期刊内容上存在的主题、方法论和地理学上的空白。通过这一分析,论文最后指出了一些潜在的富有成效的未来研究方向。

Keywords Latin America, urban governance, urbanisation, urban planning, urban theory




Thermal insecurity: Violence of heat and cold in the urban climate refuge


Zoé A Hamstead(美国加州大学伯克利分校)



Often described as a silent killer or invisible threat, heat contributes to more fatalities than other types of climate change-exacerbated extreme weather, and the impacts are especially pronounced in racialised and segregated urban communities. In an era of climate urbanism, efforts to scientifically categorise heat and link heat to health impacts are helping to support early warning systems and urban investments in heat mitigation infrastructure, bolstering climate urbanism branding strategies. Meanwhile, relatively little research has examined lived experiences with heat-related dangers, and cold rarely features in climate health discourse even though it contributes to many more fatalities than heat. Here, I present household interviews on thermal lived experiences that inform a notion of thermal (in)security, asserting that heat and cold-related threats are forms of structural violence intertwined with housing, energy and related social determinants of health. Juxtaposing city-level climate refuge narratives with lived experiences on the ground, I find that residents’ thermal insecurities are linked to the interpersonal, contractual and bureaucratically-structured relationships that constrain adaptations to heat and cold. This research contributes to an emerging critical heat studies agenda, which aims to shift thermal discourse from its current meteorological orientation to instead centre people’s everyday adaptive thermal practices and struggles.



Keywordsclimate urbanism, environment/sustainability, inequality, planning, public health, social justice




Urban public health emergencies and the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 2: Infrastructures, urban governance and civil society


Yingling Fan(美国明尼苏达大学)
Scott Orford(英国卡迪夫大学)Philip Hubbard(英国伦敦国王学院)首次出版时间:2023/06/28|研究论文
AbstractCOVID-19 had sudden and dramatic impacts on the organisation and governance of urban life. In Part 2 of this Special Issue on public health emergencies we question the extent to which the pandemic ushered in fundamentally new understandings of urban public health, noting that ideas of urban pathology and the relation of dirt, disease and danger in cities, have long informed practices of planning. Emphasising important continuities in the way pandemics are associated with minoritised and vulnerable groups, past and present, we note that public health initiatives can often exacerbate existing health divides, and actually deepen health crises. Against this, we document the emergence of participatory, community-led responses to the pandemic that offered the promise of more inclusive urban policy, often characterised by self-organisation. While we argue that any public health policy needs to be mindful of local contingencies, the promise of inclusive policies is that they will lead to healthier cities for all, not simply protect the health of the wealthy few.



Keywordscivil society, COVID-19, infrastructure, pandemic, urban governance





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