
论文快递: 第二百零五期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百零五期,将介绍 Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括激进地方自治主义,教育与骑行公平性,数字城市的知识民主,分裂城市中居民的政治参与,非洲城市的地下城市化,欢迎阅读。


Politicising proximity: Radical municipalism as a strategy in crisis


Laura Roth(西班牙加泰罗尼亚开放大学Bertie Russell(西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学)Matthew Thompson(英国卡迪夫大学)首次出版时间:2023/5/29|研究论文
AbstractAs new municipalism comes of age, prefixes proliferate: from democratic and autonomist to post-growth and care municipalisms. How do all these variegations relate to each other and to the wider movement of which they claim a part? What does all this conceptual creativity amount to, epistemologically and politically? How can we distill the most salient lessons for the further development of theory and practice in the years ahead? This article is our attempt to answer such questions and to define more precisely the contours of this emerging field of praxis. First, we delineate within new municipalism the target of our analytical gaze –radical municipalism. Radical municipalism is not simply progressive policies happening in cities, and should not be conflated with pragmatic, entrepreneurial or state-centric perspectives. Rather, we argue it is a speculative hypothesis about how systemic transformation might be wrought through coordinated action at the urban or municipal scale, understood as a strategic entry-point for counter-hegemonic struggle. Key here is proximity and the politicisation and socialisation of proximate relations of encounter and assembly. Second, we delve deeper into what we identify as four salient dimensions marking this terrain – economic reorganisation, democratisation of political decision-making, feminisation of politics, ecological transformation – as a multi-dimensional lens through which to introduce, and situate within the wider literature, the 15 articles that comprise this double special issue. Throughout these contributions to the theory and practice of municipalist strategy, the issue of crisis looms large: both historically, as an animating spur to action and opportunity for political intervention, and operationally, as a structuring condition and limiting factor of a strategy arguably in crisis itself. Finally, we reflect on the epistemological, methodological and political implications of pursuing radical municipalist strategies in the current conjuncture.


随着新地方自治主义的发展成熟,其前缀不断增加:从民主的、自治论的、到后增长的以及关怀的地方自治主义不一而足。所有这些变体之间,以及它们与其所声称的更广泛的运动之间,有着怎样的联系呢?从认识论和政治学来看,所有这些概念创意到底意味着什么呢?我们如何才能获取最重要的经验教训,以便在未来几年进一步发展理论和实践?我们试图通过本文回答这些问题,并更准确地定义这个新兴的实践领域的轮廓。首先,我们在新地方自治主义中划定了我们的分析目标--激进地方自治主义。激进地方自治主义不只是发生在城市的进步政策,不应该与实用主义、城市创业主义或国家中心的观点混为一谈。相反,我们认为它是一个投机性假设,是关于如何通过城市或地方层面的协调行动来实现系统性转变。它被理解为反霸权斗争的战略切入点。这里的关键是邻近性,以及相遇和集会的邻近关系的政治化和社会化。其次,我们探究我们认为界定了这一领域的四个重要方面--经济重组、政治决策的民主化、政治的女性化、生态转型, 将其作为多维的视角,通过它们来介绍这一双联特刊中所包含的15篇文章,并将其置于更广泛的文献背景中进行考察。本文的研究为地方自治主义战略的理论和实践做出了贡献,其中危机问题尤其重要:不管是从历史的视角看,还是从操作上看,都很重要。从历史的视角看,它是行动的动力和政治干预的机会,从操作上看,它是战略的结构条件和限制因素,可以说,是关于危机本身。最后,我们反思了在当前形势下,追求激进地方自治主义战略的认识论、方法论和政治意义。


citizen assembly,commons,ecological transformation,economic democracy,feminisation of politics,new municipalism



Have cycling-friendly cities achieved cycling equity? Analyses of the educational gradient in cycling in Dutch and German cities        


Ansgar Hudde(德国科隆大学首次出版时间:2023/5/30|研究论文

In German cities, higher levels of education increase people’s propensity to cycle. However, it remains unknown whether this effect is restricted to certain contexts, such as cities with low or medium cycling rates, or whether it is a more universal occurrence. This paper develops and tests competing hypotheses on how the effect of education on cycling might depend on the overall cycling level: (a) educational inequalities in cycling could increase proportionally with the overall cycling level or (b) such inequalities might diminish in high-cycling cities because their advanced pro-cycling mobility cultures encourage cycling among all social groups. I analyse about 150,000 trips made by about 50,000 residents from 143 cities in the Netherlands and Germany using multilevel regression models. Results fall in between the competing hypotheses, meaning that the effect of education is similarly large in cities with low, medium, or high overall levels of cycling. Hence, there is no automatism in the sense that higher cycling shares in general will also imply greater cycling equity.

摘要 德国城市较高的教育水平使人们更爱骑行。然而,教育水平对骑行的影响是仅限于某些环境(如骑行率较低或中等的城市),还是一种普遍的现象,仍然不得而知。本文就教育对骑行的影响如何取决于总体骑行水平,提出了一些相反的假设,并对这些假设进行了测试:(a) 骑行中的教育不平等可能随着总体骑行水平的提高而相应地增加,亦或 (b) 这种不平等在高骑行率城市可能会减少,因为这些城市先进的支持骑行的出行文化鼓励所有社会群体骑行。本文使用多层次回归模型,分析了来自荷兰和德国143个城市约50,000名居民的约150,000次行程。结果介于两种相反的假设之间,也就是说,在总体骑行水平较低、中等或较高的城市,教育的影响同样都很大。因此,较高的骑行率一般也意味着较高的骑行公平,从这一方面来说,影响并不会自然而然发生。

cycling,cycling equity,mobility behaviour,sustainability behaviour,transportation,urban mobility culture



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231172313


Dialectical approach to unpacking knowledge-making for digital urban democracy: A critical case of Helsinki-based e-participatory budgeting


Yu-Shan Tseng(芬兰赫尔辛基大学)Christoph Becker(比利时独立研究员)Ida Roikonen(芬兰赫尔辛基大学)首次出版时间:2023/5/30|研究论文
AbstractThis article investigates how OmaStadi, a Finnish platform for digital participatory budgeting, legitimises certain urban knowledge and experiences to receive public resources from the City of Helsinki. Using a quali-quantitative critical case study that combines quantitative data analysis, interviews and participatory observation, we advocate a dialectical approach for unpacking OmaStadi’s potential and limitations for democracy. It represents a socio-technical assemblage of knowledge-making for digital urban democracy in (and beyond) the post-welfare urban context. On the one hand, OmaStadi enforces epistemic enclosures that restrict the scale, object and temporality of urban knowledge that is to be considered legitimate in decision-making based on simple majoritarianism. Such enclosures lead to an individualistic and aggregated democracy. On the other hand, OmaStadi fosters an epistemic opening for democracy when wider publics join to form collective knowledge about ongoing urban struggles against privatisation and the decay of heritage. Our argument goes beyond binary and techno-deterministic analyses of digital knowledge-making and participation to build on emergent studies of digital urban democracy by discussing the democratic potential of cities in the age of platformisation.


Keywords digital democracy,e-participatory budgeting,epistemic enclosure,socio-technical assemblage,urban democracy,urban knowledge




Leadership repertoire and political engagement in a divided city: The case of East Jerusalem


Noam Brenner(以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学

Dan Miodownik(以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学)

Shaul R. Shenhav(以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学)



Do the leaders of minority communities in divided cities influence group members’ expressed willingness to engage politically with rival groups? Studies typically link group members’ willingness to engage with rival groups to direct contact between individuals from opposing groups. However, such contact is problematic in divided cities, wherein opportunities to interact are scarce and frowned upon. Focusing on the contested urban space of Jerusalem, we find indications that the diverse nature of community leadership in East Jerusalem can influence Palestinian residents’ attitudes towards political engagement with Israeli authorities via municipal elections. The ‘middlemen’ role can explain community leaders’ influence in divided cities. They facilitate indirect contact between their constituents and the other group’s members or institutions. Our analysis employs original data from a public opinion survey conducted among Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem immediately prior to the Jerusalem 2018 municipal elections. It has ramifications regarding urban governance for other divided cities.


在分裂的城市中,少数族裔社区的领导人能否影响群体成员与敌对群体进行政治接触的意愿?各类研究一般将群体成员与敌对群体接触的意愿与对立群体之间的个人直接接触关联起来。然而,这种接触在分裂的城市中存在问题,因为在分裂的城市中互动机会很少,而且不被允许。以耶路撒冷有争议的城市空间为重点,我们发现有迹象表明,东耶路撒冷社区领导层的多样性质可能影响巴勒斯坦居民通过市政选举与以色列当局进行政治接触的态度。“中间人”的角色可以解释社区领导者在分裂的城市中的影响力。他们促进选民与其他团体成员或机构之间的间接接触。我们的分析采用了在 2018 年耶路撒冷市政选举前夕对东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦居民进行的民意调查的原始数据。其对其他分裂的城市的城市治理有影响。
Keywordscontact theory,divided cities,local leadership,municipal elections,political engagement




Underground urbanism in Africa: Splintered subterranean space in Lagos, Nigeria


Abidemi Agwor(英国伦敦经济学院Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)Paul G Munro(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)首次出版时间:2023/5/31|研究论文
AbstractAfrica is rapidly urbanising and is likely to home to some of the most populous cities within the next decade. Such rapid growth has made the prevention of urban sprawl a Sisyphean Quest in many African cities, as rural fringes are rapidly being transformed into urbanised space. A strategy proposed around the world to address some of the urban challenges is the increasing adoption of a volumetric lens to planning the city. Specifically, to use the urban underground as a strategic site to place infrastructure and free-up superficial urban surface space, in turn potentially helping to create more sustainable, liveable, equitable and just urban environments. Yet, so far, little attention has been paid to the urban underground in Africa cities. In this paper, mobilising Lagos, Nigeria as a case study, we start addressing this lacuna. We provide a critical long-term analysis – spanning the colonial and since independence eras – of how the urban underground has been used in Lagos, focussing on utility (energy, telecommunications, water) and transport infrastructure. We follow this with an analysis of how political economies have shaped underground use and access, with a particular consideration on informal interactions, and how they shape underground use and access. We conclude by offering an assessment of the possibilities and challenges that the urban underground presents for the future of Lagos and other African cities, with a critical consideration of the dynamism of localised volumes and the practices around them.



Keywordsinfrastructure,Lagos,subterranean,underground urbanism,volumetric urbanism





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