
翻译技术 | OpenAI走向主流,机器翻译迎来新变革

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OpenAI Gains Traction as New Default for Machine TranslationOpenAI成为新的机器翻译首选

Just a year after OpenAI’s November 2022 unveiling of ChatGPT, the company and its flagship product are used as shorthand for large language models and generative AI.在OpenAI于2022年11月发布ChatGPT一年之后,该公司及其旗舰产品已成为大型语言模型和生成式人工智能的代名词。
Beyond industry-specific discussions about the tech’s potential impact and politicians’ debates over the need for regulatory legislation, the poster child for generative AI may be on its way to mainstream acceptance as a provider of machine translation (MT).除了针对技术潜力的行业讨论和政治家们对监管立法的争论之外,这一生成式人工智能的典范可能正在变为主流,成为机器翻译的提供者
Starting November 30, 2023, users of customer communication platform Messagepoint’s content hub can translate text into more than 80 languages, using either DeepL or OpenAI’s services.从2023年11月30日开始,客户沟通平台Messagepoint的内容中心用户可以使用DeepL或OpenAI的服务将文本翻译成80多种语言。
While DeepL is a natural choice as a category leader in machine translation, OpenAI is not only a newcomer, but also a generalist compared to models trained specifically to perform MT. If OpenAI’s translation integration indicates widespread confidence in the technology, could this be the start of a transition to generative AI as a standard, or even default, MT provider?虽然DeepL作为机器翻译领域的领导者是一个自然的选择,但与专门训练用于机器翻译的模型相比,OpenAI不仅是一个新来者,还是一个综合性的模型。如果OpenAI的翻译整合表明人们对这项技术有广泛的信心,这是否可以成为生成式人工智能作为标准甚至选择为默认机器翻译提供商的开始

Case in point: Toronto-headquartered Messagepoint serves healthcare, financial, and insurance companies, including clients such as Xerox and CitiBank. In a November 13, 2023 press release, the company announced new generative AI capabilities for its Intelligent Content Hub, under an Assisted Authoring tool.以多伦多为总部的Messagepoint为医疗、金融和保险公司提供服务,包括像Xerox和CitiBank这样的客户。在2023年11月13日的新闻稿中,该公司宣布了其智能内容中心的新的生成式人工智能功能,其中包括辅助创作工具。
Messagepoint VP of AI & Data Science Atif Khan told Slator, “While DeepL has a long history in AI translation services, OpenAI provides an extended set of languages supported (more than 80) and takes advantage of contextual understanding that goes beyond the current DeepL implementation.”Messagepoint的副总裁AI和数据科学Atif Khan告诉Slator,“虽然DeepL在AI翻译服务方面有着悠久的历史,但OpenAI支持更多语言(80多种),并超越了当前DeepL实现的上下文理解。”
In the press release, Founder and CEO Steve Biancaniello assured users that the platform’s “controlled environment” allows them to benefit from the speed and accuracy of AI translation without introducing risk.”在新闻稿中,创始人兼首席执行官Steve Biancaniello向用户保证,该平台的“受控环境”使他们能够在不引入风险的情况下获得AI翻译的速度和准确性。
“These capabilities represent a massive opportunity for organizations to better serve vulnerable populations and those with limited English proficiency,” Biancaniello said, adding, “Leveraging AI to support translation can greatly accelerate processes, reducing the cost and time required.”Biancaniello表示:“这些功能对于组织更好地为弱势群体和英语能力有限的人群提供服务,代表了巨大的机遇。”他补充说:“利用人工智能支持翻译可以大大加快流程,减少成本和时间。


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