
#341 | 东京涩谷区取消万圣节庆典,年轻人抱怨社会老龄化限制了活力





A Tokyo district cracks down on Halloween东京某区加强对万圣节的限制Japan’s ageing society is limiting youthful pleasures日本的人口老龄化限制了年轻人的娱乐享受

Shibuya, a district in Tokyo known for its zesty pop culture, is a place to find strange clothes and youthful frolics most days. Yet on Halloween the capital’s top tourist attraction traditionally takes it up a gear. For years crowds of partygoers in fancy dress have filled Shibuya’s neon-lit streets and celebrated Scramble Crossing. In 2019 around 40,000 flocked to the district on Halloween. But this October 31st the mood was much less joyous. The killjoys of Shibuya’s local government had banned Halloween festivities in the ward.涩谷是东京的一个以充满活力的流行文化而闻名的地区,在平常日子里都是充满奇装异服和年轻欢乐的场所。然而,在万圣节,这个首都的热门旅游景点应该会更加热闹。多年来,成群结队的化妆舞会参与者充满了涩谷的霓虹灯街道,庆祝活动万人空巷。2019年,大约有4万人涌入该地区庆祝万圣节。但是今年10月31日的气氛没那么开心了。涩谷的地方政府扫兴地禁止了该区的万圣节庆祝活动。


例句:I love the zesty flavor of this salsa.(我喜欢这种莎莎酱的浓郁风味。)


  1. Flavorsome: 有味道的

  2. Lively: 活力四溢的

  3. Tangy: 刺激的,开胃的

  4. Spicy: 辣的,香辣的

  5. Zingy: 刺激的,有活力的


  • 主要意思:扫兴者,令人失去兴致的人

  • 例句:Don't be such a killjoy! Let's enjoy the party.(别那么扫兴!让我们享受派对。)


  1. Spoilsport: 扫兴者,煞风景的人

  2. Party pooper: 扫兴者,煞风景的人

  3. Wet blanket: 潮湿的毯子,指令人扫兴的人

  4. Buzzkill: 扫兴者,煞风景的人

  5. Fun-killer: 扫兴者,煞风景的人

Unwelcoming signs were plastered all over it, including a billboard reading: “No events for Halloween on Shibuya streets”. Outside the district’s metro station, a famous meeting-place, security guards blew whistles and hustled away anyone tempted to linger. Most monstrous to Shibuya devotees, police sealed off the spot’s iconic statue of Hachiko, a legendary Japanese dog known for its loyalty. “We came here to see Hachiko. How could they do this?” complained Olga, 31, a Russian tourist, looking disconsolately at the boarded-up dog.这里挂满了不受欢迎的标志,包括一个写着“涩谷街头不举办万圣节活动”的广告牌。该区的地铁站是一个著名的集合地,保安人员吹着口哨,迫使任何想逗留的人离开。对于涩谷的忠实粉丝来说,最为痛苦的是警察封锁了该区地标性的忠犬八公雕像。“我们来这里是为了看八公的。他们怎么能这样做?”31岁的俄罗斯游客奥尔加沮丧地看着被封起来的狗狗说道。

The crackdown was in response to a Halloween tragedy last year in Seoul, in which over 150 people were crushed to death. Officials feared Shibuya’s narrow alleys could see another disaster. According to Fukuda Mitsuru, a crisis-management expert, the fact that Halloween festivities are a fairly recent foreign import exacerbated such concerns.此举是对去年首尔发生的万圣节悲剧的回应,当时有150多人踩踏致死。官员们担心涩谷狭窄的小巷可能会发生另一场灾难。危机管理专家福田光表示,万圣节庆祝活动是近年来的外来事物,这加剧了此类担忧。
Yet the curbs are part of a broader crackdown on fun-seeking in Shibuya. Complaining of excessive noise and litter, the ward banned public alcohol consumption at certain times. Such measures seem unobjectionable in isolation. Drunken salarymen lying prostrate on pavements is a less edifying Tokyo spectacle. But combined with the Halloween ban they look to many like an overreaction against youthful spirits by heavy-handed and often aged officials.然而,这些限制措施是对涩谷寻求娱乐活动的更广泛打击的一部分。该区居民抱怨过度噪音和垃圾,禁止在某些时段在公共场所饮酒。这些措施在单独看来似乎是无可厚非的。躺在人行道上的醉酒的上班族并不是东京一道令人愉快的景象。但是与万圣节禁令相结合,这些措施在许多人看来,是老辈官员对年轻人活力满满的过度反应和高压手段的表现。
That was certainly the view of those carousers who did bravely make it to Shibuya this week. “I come to Shibuya every year for Halloween, so I feel betrayed,” said Takeuchi Tetsuya, wearing a Mickey Mouse costume.■这当然是那些勇敢前往涩谷的狂欢者的观点。“我每年都来涩谷过万圣节,所以我感到受到了背叛,”身穿米老鼠服装的竹内哲也说道。■

carousers [ˈkærəzərz]

  • 主要意思:狂欢者,狂饮作乐的人

  • 例句:The pub was filled with carousers celebrating the victory.(酒吧里挤满了庆祝胜利的狂欢者。)


  1. Revelers: 狂欢者,狂欢的人

  2. Partygoers: 聚会者,派对参与者

  3. Revellers: 狂欢者,狂欢的人

  4. Merrymakers: 愉快的人,欢乐的人

  5. Celebrants: 庆祝者,参加庆典的人

来源: The Economist

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