
论文快递: 第一百七十期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百七十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括智慧城市与日常生活设计,流行病如何影响城市规划,房地产市场对可燃包层危机的反应,反物流和地方自治主义,教育机会与社会经济隔离的关系,欢迎阅读。


Fabrication of space: The design of everyday life in South Korean Songdo           


Dominik Bartmansk(德国柏林洪堡大学Seonju Kim(德国柏林理工大学)Martina Löw(德国柏林理工大学)等五位作者

Constructed from scratch on land reclaimed from the sea, Songdo was planned to embody new ‘smart city’ life. In reality, it has come to exemplify enclave urbanism that commodifies securitised living for upwardly mobile middle classes. While the political economy of this urban project is by now well studied, the sociological ethnography of the resultant space and its experiential correlates remains less developed and imperfectly contextualised. One needs to connect the dots of power and space. The present paper aims to do that and thematises the ‘design of everyday life’ which rests on (1) the intensification of privatised digital surveillance of mass housing compounds which in turn occasions (2) the remaking of spatial markers and symbolic boundaries between private/public, inclusive/exclusive, inside/outside. As such it is a combination of two different registers of visibility that gets jointly orchestrated by the public–private partnership of Korean state and corporate actors. In order to recognise these regimes as strategic visions of controlled social life we extend James Scott’s notion of ‘seeing like a state’ to include the corresponding regime that we call ‘seeing like a corporation’. This allows us to show that they are mutually elaborative in Songdo through a hybridised fabrication of its lived environment, particularly in the case of one branded housing typology located in the city’s centre called International Business District. This elucidates not only the local entrepreneurial urbanism that gave rise to the controlled environment of Songdo but also more general logics of the ‘compressed modernisation’ in the region which sets a global mode for production of space and re-territorialisation of power.

摘要松岛是在填海造地的土地上从零开始建造的,旨在体现新的“智慧城市”生活。实际上,它已经成为飞地城市化的典范,为向上流动的中产阶级提供了安全的生活。虽然这个城市项目的政治经济学现在已经得到了很好的研究,但针对由此产生的空间及其经验事物的社会人类学研究仍然不够发达,也没有完全处境化。需要将相关的空间和权利因素联系起来。本文旨在做到这一点,并将“日常生活设计”主题化,此等设计基于 (1) 对大规模住宅区的私有数字监控的强化,这反过来又引发 (2) 私人/公共、包容/排斥、内部/外部之间空间标记和符号边界的重建。因此,它是由韩国政府和企业行为者之间的公私伙伴关系共同策划的两种不同可见度机制的组合。为了将这些制度视为受控制的社会生活的战略愿景,我们扩展了詹姆斯·斯科特 (James Scott) 的“像政府一样看”的概念,以包括我们称之为“像公司一样看”的相应机制。这使我们能够表明,通过混合制造松岛的居住环境,它们在松岛是相互阐释的,特别是位于市中心的一个称为国际商务区的品牌住宅区。这不仅阐明了导致松岛受控环境的地方创业城市化,而且阐明了该地区“压缩现代化”的更为一般逻辑,其为空间生产和权力再领土化设定了一种全球模式。

control, everyday life, smart city, social distinction, space, surveillance, symbolic boundaries, South Korea



Planning for social distancing: How the legacy of historical epidemics shaped COVID-19's spread in Madrid


Noel A Manzano Gómez(西班牙瓦拉多利德高等教育大学

This paper combines historical and contemporary sources to examine ‘epidemic urban planning’ from the first decades of the 20th century through to the present day. It considers how infamous early 20th-century epidemics triggered the development of several urban regulations that profoundly shaped the city’s future. To reduce the risk of contagion in bourgeois space, the city began displacing and spatially segregating the urban poor, leading to deprived neighbourhoods in the city’s suburbs. The social and urban structure of these deprived, ‘vulnerable’ neighbourhoods remains to this day. Madrid was also greatly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, and the initial distribution of COVID geographies seemed to reflect these historical legacies. Epidemic-influenced segregation kept wealthy neighbourhoods relatively safe during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, concentrating the disease in poorer areas.


本文结合历史和当代资料,研究从 20 世纪头几十年以来到现在为止的“城市流行病规划”。我们考察了 20 世纪初的几场臭名昭著的流行病如何引发了一些城市法规的制定,这些法规深刻地影响了城市的未来。为了降低资产阶级空间的传染风险,城市开始对城市贫民进行迁移和空间隔离,从而产生了城市郊区的贫困街区。这些被剥夺的、“脆弱”街区的社会和城市结构保留至今。马德里也受到了新冠危机的极大影响,而新冠疫情的初始地理分布似乎也反映了这些历史遗产。在第一波新冠大流行期间,与疫情相关的隔离使富裕街区相对安全,而病例则集中在较贫困的地区。

Keywords health, path-dependence, planning history, segregation, urban structure, vulnerability, COVID-19

健康, 路径依赖, 规划历史, 隔离, 城市结构, 脆弱性

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221110337


The housing market reaction to the combustible cladding crisis: Safety or financial concerns?


Daniel Melser(澳大利亚莫纳什大学首次出版时间:2022/9/19|研究论文

The risks of combustible cladding were most catastrophically illustrated by the Grenfell Tower fire in London in mid-2017 which killed 72 people. Prior to this, in late 2014, the Lacrosse Tower fire in Melbourne, Australia, provided a prescient illustration of the risks of combustible cladding. This study examines the effect on Melbourne prices, rents and transactions of these fires from 2005 to mid-2019. The dynamics of prices and rents provide important information about the extent to which the housing market reaction was driven by safety or financial concerns. This is because tenants are primarily exposed to the safety risks of combustible cladding while the prices paid by owner-occupiers reflect both safety and financial concerns – such as future remediation costs. We find an overall decline of around 9% in the prices paid by owner-occupiers for homes affected by combustible cladding, while rents for similar properties fell by around 3%. Thus, we conclude that the main factor driving the housing market reaction was financial concerns. This conclusion is robust to more tightly identifying properties that were affected by combustible cladding. We also find that property investors reduce their property valuations of combustible cladding homes more significantly than owner-occupiers and that there are declines in transaction volumes for affected homes.

摘要 2017 年年中伦敦格伦费尔大厦 (Grenfell Tower) 大火造成 72 人死亡,最能说明可燃包层的风险。在此之前,2014 年底,澳大利亚墨尔本拉克罗斯大厦 (Lacrosse Tower) 大火对可燃包层的风险发出了警告。本研究考察了 2005 年至 2019 年年中这些火灾对墨尔本房价、租金和交易量的影响。价格和租金的动态提供了重要信息,说明住房市场的反应在多大程度上是由安全或财务关切驱动的。这是因为租户主要面临可燃包层的安全风险,而自住业主支付的价格同时反映了安全和财务关切(例如未来的修复成本)。我们发现,自住业主为受可燃包层影响的房屋支付的价格总体下降了约 9%,而同类房产的租金下降了约 3%。因此,我们得出结论,推动房地产市场反应的主要因素是财务关切。这一结论对于更严格地识别受可燃包层影响的物业而言是稳健的。我们还发现,与自住业主相比,房地产投资者更大幅度地降低了可燃包层房屋的房地产估值,并且受影响房屋的交易量有所下降
Keywords Australia, causal estimation, combustible cladding crisis, difference-in-differences, hedonic regression, housing
关键词 澳大利亚, 因果估计, 可燃包层危机, 双重差分, 特征回归, 房价



Counter-logistics and municipalism: Popular infrastructures during the pandemic in Rosario


Leandro Minuchin(英国曼彻斯特大学Julieta Maino(阿根廷罗萨里奥国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/19 |研究论文

Logistics, as the language and practice that organises the distribution of matter and value, not only scripts the infrastructural expansion of late capitalist urbanisations, it also informs the tactics of survivability and resistance that address the spatial and social disparities generated by the latter. Behind the arrangement of makeshift infrastructural set-ups for commercial exchange, food distribution and community support, there is a form of popular logistics, interventions put in place to articulate the circulation of resources, weave nodes of solidarity and navigate the bureaucratic and territorial distances that exist across institutional scales. The paper frames the integration of these forms of counter-logistical expressions as an emerging form of municipalism. Focussing on municipal responses to the pandemic, the essay describes the emergence of counter forms of logistics in Rosario, Argentina. It registers the material and virtual adaptations that social movements, neighbourhood organisations and public agencies put in place to configure different forms of producing and distributing goods and services in the city. In a context where privatised infrastructures of distribution mediate the expressions of urban life, the paper positions the articulation of common and popular forms of logistics as a strategic dimension of municipal politics.


作为组织物质和价值分配的语言和实践,物流不仅为晚期资本主义城市化的基础设施扩张提供了脚本,还为针对后者产生的空间和社会差异的生存和抵抗策略提供了信息。在为商业交流、食品分配和社区支持临时基础设施安排的背后,有一种大众物流形式,即所采取的干预措施,其连接资源的流通,编织团结的节点,并跨越体制层面存在的官僚主义和领土距离。本文将这些形式的反物流表达整合为一种新兴的地方自治形式。本文着重于市政当局对疫情的应对,描述了阿根廷罗萨里奥 (Rosario) 出现的物流的反形式。我们记录了社会运动、社区组织和公共机构为在城市中配置不同形式的商品和服务生产和分配形式而进行的物质和虚拟适应。在私有化的配送基础设施作为城市生活表达的中介的背景下,本文将公共和大众物流形式的衔接置于城市政治的战略维度。

Keywordscounter-logistics, logistics, municipalism, popular infrastructures, Rosario

反物流, 物流, 地方自治主义, 大众基础设施, 罗萨里奥 (Rosario)



The dynamics of socio-economic segregation: What role do private schools play?


Stefanie Jähnen(德国柏林社会科学中心Marcel Helbig(德国柏林社会科学中心)首次出版时间:2022/9/22|研究论文

Although residential sorting along socio-economic lines has increased in many cities across Europe, few studies have examined what drives changes in segregation over time. This study looks at the role of school choice expansion in shaping patterns of spatial inequality. We adopt a longitudinal perspective and investigate how the increasing availability of private primary schools is related to the dynamics of socio-economic segregation in German cities. Drawing on a uniquely compiled data set for the years 2005 to 2014 that includes 74 large and medium-sized cities with over 3500 districts, we estimate linear panel regression models with city fixed effects. The analyses show that an increase in the share of private primary schools is associated with a decrease in the segregation of poverty in West German cities but not in East German ones. The association in West Germany is particularly pronounced in local contexts characterised by growing rates of poor residents and growing proportions of young children. Results imply that school choice availability may promote residential integration and at the same time reinforce school segregation.

Keywordseducation, neighbourhoods, residential segregation, school choice, spatial inequality
关键词教育, 街区, 居住隔离, 择校, 空间不均衡性



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