

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十八期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括数字媒体、友谊与移民的包容和排斥,公共交通与语言多样性,街区贫困与教育程度,新华裔移民与郊区转型的多元化,垂直性与高层住宅生活,欢迎阅读。


Digital media, friendships and migrants’ entangled and non-linear inclusion and exclusion


Tabea Bork-Hüffer(奥地利因斯布鲁克大学首次出版时间:2022/9/2|研究论文

In this article, I shed light on the role of digital media and friendships in migrants’ inclusion and exclusion. Connecting the empirical findings of a qualitative, non-media centric, multi-method study to existing research in digital migration studies, digital media and friendship as well as the literature on inclusion and exclusion, I propose the concept of entangled inclusion and exclusion. This perspective underlines migrants’ continuous (re-) negotiations of their situatedness in the (trans-)local spaces of the places they come from, move to and through. While playing diverse roles in migrants’ development and maintenance of (trans-) local friendships, digital media contribute to non-linearities in migrants’ subjective feelings of being included or excluded, making the processes involved more complex while also serving as material and symbolic signifiers of entangled inclusion and exclusion.


differential inclusion, digital geographies, digital media, digital migration studies, highly skilledmigration, non-linear temporalities, Singapore



Naming public transport and historicising experiences: Critical toponymies and everyday multilingualism in Singapore’s mass rapid transit system


Shaun Tyan Gin Lim(新加坡独立研究员Francesco Perono Cacciafoco(新加坡南洋理工大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/3|研究论文

Public transport plays an integral role in urban centres by promoting economic development, mitigating environmental degradation and fostering social cohesion. It also enables users to experience the socio-cultural and linguistic diversity of a locality. Public transport is important to the cosmopolitan city-state of Singapore: its public transport system, which is ranked among the best in the world, is used by over 7.54 million passengers daily. Nevertheless, not much is known about how the linguistic landscapes, soundscapes and place names are tied to public transport use and encounters. This study analyses Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station names, effectively toponyms (place names) in their own right. Specifically, it focuses on the East West and North South Lines, two of Singapore’s oldest MRT lines. Besides tracing the (initially) tumultuous history of the MRT system, the paper studies the languages used in the MRT stations of both lines. It argues that place names, taken together with the sights and sounds of the MRT, are part of everyday multilingualism, or the linguistic dynamism when different linguistic groups occupy public spaces. This paper also explores some of the linguistic, socio-political and policy making considerations behind the MRT stations through a critical toponymic perspective. From the viewpoint of the special issue’s interests, the paper contributes to understanding the historicisation of Singapore’s rail system and its contesting political and economic choices when developing the MRT.


通过促进经济发展、缓解环境退化和促进社会凝聚力,公共交通在城市中心发挥着不可或缺的作用。它还使用户能够体验当地的社会文化和语言多样性。公共交通对新加坡这个国际化城市国家来说非常重要:其公共交通系统在全球名列前茅,每天的使用者超过 754 万。然而,对于语言景观、音景和地名与公共交通使用和体验之间的联系,我们知之甚少。本项研究分析了新加坡的大众捷运 (MRT) 站名,它们本身就是有效的地名。具体来说,本文专注于东西线和南北线,这是新加坡最古老的两条捷运线。除了追溯捷运系统(最初)动荡的历史外,本文还研究了两条线路捷运站使用的语言。我们认为,地名连同捷运的景象和声音,是日常多语言的一部分,或者说,当不同语言群体占据公共空间时,这形成了一种语言活力。本文还通过批判地名学的视角探讨了地铁站背后的一些语言、社会政治和政策制定考虑。从本期特刊关注重点的角度来看,本文有助于理解新加坡铁路系统的历史化及其在发展捷运时的竞争性政治和经济选择。

Keywords critical toponymy, everyday multilingualism, public transport, Singapore toponymy


批判地名学, 日常多语言, 公共交通, 新加坡地名学

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221109101


Neighbourhood histories and educational attainment: The role of accumulation, duration, timing and sequencing of exposure to poverty


Agata A Troost(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Heleen J Janssen(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)Maarten van Ham(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/5|研究论文

Studies of neighbourhood effects increasingly research the neighbourhood histories of individuals. It is difficult to compare the outcomes of these studies as they all use different datasets, conceptualisations and operationalisations of neighbourhood characteristics and outcome variables. This paper contributes to the literature by studying educational attainment and comparing the effects of the timing, accumulation, duration and sequencing of exposure to neighbourhood poverty. We use longitudinal register data to study the population of children born in the Netherlands in 1995 and follow them until the age of 23. Our findings show that it is important to separate the early adult years (age 18–22) when constructing individual histories of exposure to neighbourhood poverty. We find that the effect of exposure to neighbourhood deprivation on educational attainment during adolescence is slightly stronger than the effect of exposure during childhood. We conclude that the observed relationship between neighbourhood poverty and educational attainment depends on how exposure to the neighbourhood effect is conceptualised and measured; choosing just one dimension could lead to under- or overestimation of the importance of exposure to neighbourhood poverty.

摘要 邻里效应研究越来越多地关注个人的街区居住历史。很难比较这些研究的结果,因为它们都使用不同的数据集、邻里特征和结果变量的概念化和操作化。本文通过研究教育程度和比较生活在贫困街区的时段、积累、持续时间和顺序的影响,为这方面的文献做出了贡献。我们使用纵向登记数据来研究 1995 年在荷兰出生的儿童人口,并跟踪他们直到 23 岁。我们的研究结果表明,在构建个人街区居住历史时,把早期成年年龄段(18-22 岁)分离出来很重要,我们的结论是,观察到的街区贫困与教育程度之间的关系取决于如何概念化和衡量街区居住效应;只选择一个维度可能会导致低估或高估生活在贫困街区的重要影响。
Keywords education, inequality, neighbourhood, neighbourhood histories, poverty/exclusion



Sydney as ‘Sinoburbia’: Patterns of diversification across emerging Chinese ethnoburbs


Shanthi Robertson(澳大利亚西悉尼大学Alexandra Wong(澳大利亚西悉尼大学Christina Ho(澳大利亚悉尼科技大学)等五位作者首次出版时间:2022/9/5 |研究论文

‘Chinese Sydney’ has shifted away from its inner-city Chinatown towards new residential suburban concentrations with varied histories of progressive diversification. In some of these suburbs, where 40% or more of residents report Chinese heritage, older generations of diaspora Chinese intermingle with a substantial recent wave of China-born middle-class professionals – often distinguished as the ‘new Chinese’. This paper situates the localised, internal diversities of the modern arrival city within the geo-political conditions, urban development strategies and migration patterns that shape Sydney’s Chinese ethnoburbs (or ‘Sinoburbs’). Drawing on demographic analysis, site mapping of local infrastructure and site observations, we trace changing demographics and patterns of suburban development within three different case study suburbs. In doing so, we elucidate some emerging lines of inquiry that challenge the extant focus in both enclave and ethnoburb models of urban ethnic concentration and suggest a number of new interventions to future research on emerging Sinoburbia localities both in Australia and elsewhere.


“华人的悉尼”已经从市中心的唐人街转移到新的郊区住宅集中地,这些郊区具有不同的渐进式多元化历史。在其中一些郊区,40% 或更多的居民声称有华裔血统,老侨民与大量新移民混杂在一起。新移民大多是出生在中国的中产阶级专业人士,通常被称为“新华裔”。本文将悉尼这一现代移民目的地城市的本地化、内部多样性置于地缘政治条件、城市发展战略和塑造了悉尼华裔郊区(或“Sinoburbs”)的移民模式中考察。利用人口统计分析、当地基础设施的场址地图绘制和场址观察,我们追踪了作为案例研究的三个不同郊区中不断变化的人口统计和郊区发展模式。藉此,我们阐明了一些新的研究路线,这些研究路线质疑对城市种族集中的飞地和民族郊区模式的现有关注,并为未来对澳大利亚和其他地方新兴华裔郊区的研究提出了一些新的干预措施。

Keywordsethnoburb, local infrastructure, metropolitan Sydney, new Chinese migration, suburban transformation and diversification

民族郊区, 地方基础设施, 悉尼大都市, 新华裔移民, 郊区转型和多元化



Everyday verticality: Migrant experiences of high-rise living in Santiago, Chile


Megan Sheehan(美国圣约翰大学首次出版时间:2022/9/5|研究论文

Over the last three decades, Santiago, Chile has experienced rapid urbanisation. The city’s expansion has prompted the proliferation of high-rise residential buildings, mediated by spatial segregation along class lines and fragmented urban governance. Concurrently, economic opportunities in Chile have drawn regional labour migrants, resulting in an unprecedented increase in migratory flows. Drawing on ethnographic research, this article charts the everyday experiences of migrants in high-rise residences. As new arrivals seek housing, social networks channel migrants – particularly Venezuelans – into shared high-rise apartments, producing specific buildings as vertical enclaves. Lived experiences within the confines of verticality are frequently shaped by the challenges of overcrowding. As migrants craft daily practices to mitigate these limitations, their routines make full use of limited space and meaningfully engage with building common areas, public spaces and neighbourhoods. The everyday practice of verticality articulates links between high-rises and surrounding sites, neighbourhoods and the broader urban fabric.

Keywordshigh-rise residence, migration, public space, verticality
关键词高层住宅, 迁徙, 公共空间, 垂直性



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