

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十五期,将介绍Urban Studies 编辑推荐的五篇论文。主题包括耶路撒冷的公共交通基础设施与城市隔离,非洲的城市化、非正规性与气候变化,南非的“日常”与非正规性,公交巴士作为日常生活的微型社区,关怀城市,欢迎阅读。

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Segregation, mobility and encounters in Jerusalem: The role of public transport infrastructure in connecting the ‘divided city’


Jonathan Rokem(英国伦敦大学学院Laura Vaughan(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2017/1/1|研究论文

This paper assesses ways in which urban segregation is shaped and transformed by Jerusalem’s public transport network, enhancing mobility and potential group encounters. We suggest that segregation should be understood as an issue of mobility and co-presence in public space, rather than the static residential-based segregation that continues to be a central focus of debate in urban studies. We explore public transport infrastructures, considering how their implementation reflects the variety of ways that transport can have impact: segmenting populations, linking populations and/or creating spaces for interaction or conflict between the city’s Jewish Israeli and Arab Palestinian populations. Space syntax network analysis suggests that in the case of Jerusalem, access to public transport is multi-dimensional: as well as providing access to resources, it shapes opportunities for spatial mobility that may either overcome or reinforce area-based housing segregation. We discuss these opportunities in the light of Jerusalem’s on-going ethno-national division in an increasingly fractured urban reality.

摘要本文评估了耶路撒冷公共交通网络如何塑造和改变了城市隔离,因为其提高了人员流动性和潜在的群体接触。我们建议将隔离理解为公共空间中的移动性和共存性问题,而不是静态居住隔离(这一直是城市研究中争论的焦点)。我们探讨公共交通基础设施,考虑它们的运行如何体现了交通可以产生的各种影响:分割人口、连接人口和/或为城市中的以色列犹太人和阿拉伯巴勒斯坦人口之间的互动或冲突创造空间。空间句法网络分析表明,就耶路撒冷而言,公共交通的影响是多方面的:除了提供资源,它还塑造了空间流动的机会,这可能会克服、也可能会加强基于地区的居住隔离。我们讨论这些机会的背景是:耶路撒冷日益碎片化的城市现实中持续性的民族 – 种族分裂。
Keywords contested cities, Jerusalem, mobility and co-presence, public transport, space syntax, urban segregation
关键词被争夺的城市, 耶路撒冷, 流动性和共存, 公共交通, 空间句法, 城市隔离


African urbanisation at the confluence of informality and climate change            


Brandon Marc Finn(美国哈佛大学Patrick Brandful Cobbinah(澳大利亚墨尔本大学首次出版时间:2022/6/24|研究论文

Africa contributes the least to global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it faces climate change’s harshest consequences. Ramifications of climate change pose daunting multi-scalar urban challenges, specifically because urbanisation across most African countries is embedded in, linked to and defined by various notions of informality. However, there is limited theoretical attention to the confluence of African urbanisation, informality and climate change. This article addresses this issue by laying out three fundamental matters of this relationship. First, it analyses urban informality in the context of three domains: the informal economy, informal settlements and the state. Second, it highlights the significance of climate change to theoretical and empirical studies of informality. We propose that climate change poses challenges to the practice of informality and its contemporary theorisation, prompting new questions about how African informality is understood and framed. Finally, it discusses new perspectives on planning for climate change and urban informality that do not frame ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches as necessarily mutually exclusive. Climate change fundamentally challenges life within informal economies and settlements, and its synthesis within debates on African urbanisation is urgently required. Notably, and in turn, the global discourse on climate change also requires specific attention to the theories and practices of informality.



Keywords climate change, inequality, informal settlements, urbanisation


气候变化, 不平等, 非正规住区, 城市化

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221098946


Towards a multi-scalar reading of informality in Delft, South Africa: Weaving the ‘everyday’ with wider structural tracings


Liza Rose Cirolia(南非开普顿大学Suraya Scheba(南非开普顿大学)首次出版时间:2018/3/27|研究论文

Informality is a critical theme in urban studies. In recent years, ‘the everyday’ has become a focus of studies on informality in African cities. These studies focus on particularity and place. They offer a useful corrective to top-down and universalising readings which exclude the daily experiences and practices of people from analysis. As we show in this article, everyday studies surface valuable insights, highlighting the agency and precarity which operates at the street level. However, a fuller understanding of informality’s (re)production requires drawing together particularist accounts with wider and more structural tracings. These tracings offer insights into the ways in which state and financial processes influence and interface with the everyday. In this article, we use the case of housing in Delft, a township in Cape Town, to demonstrate this approach and argue for a multi-scalar and relational reading of the production of informality.

摘要 非正规性是城市研究的一个重要主题。近年来,“日常”已成为非洲城市非正规性研究的焦点。这些研究关注特殊性和地方。自上而下和普遍化的解读在分析中排除了人员的日常经历和做法,而“日常”研究提供了一种有用的修正方法。正如我们在本文中所展示的,日常研究提供了宝贵的见解,突出了在街道层面运作的机构和精英。然而,对非正规性(再)生产机制的更全面理解需要将具体的论述与更广、更具结构性的追踪相结合。这些追踪有助于深入理解国家和财务过程如何影响日常生活,又如何与日常生活交互。在本文中,我们以开普敦代尔夫特镇的住房为例来展示这种方法,并主张对非正规生产做多标量和关系性的解读。
Keywords built environment, everyday urbanism, housing, informality, method, South Africa, urbanisation and developing countries
建成环境, 日常城市研究, 住房, 非正规性, 方法, 南非, 城市化和发展中国家



Public space on the move: Mediating mobility, stillness and encounter on a Cape Town bus


Bradley Rink(南非西开普大学首次出版时间:2022/5/1 |评论论文

As a public space, the environment of public transportation services is maintained by an ordered set of rules and conditions. Such rules and conditions are prescribed by law as they are in generally-accepted norms of social behaviour within public space. Through the examination of the Conditions of Carriage that govern bus transportation in Cape Town, South Africa, using Golden Arrow Bus Services, this paper seeks to highlight the myriad ways that urban public space on the move is mediated, negotiated and controlled through rules of conduct that differentiate mobile public space from its counterpart in the environment outside the bus. Understood as a mundane part of the social life of the city and its inhabitants, mobility in the form of public transportation is constituted by micro-communities whose publics are in a constant state of flux and negotiation. Using analysis of the Conditions of Carriage and an ethnographic case study of bus passengering, this paper demonstrates how the Conditions mediate the situated and lived assemblage of actors in mobile public space that is a liminal zone between inclusion and exclusion.


作为公共空间,公共交通服务的环境是由一套有序的规则和条件维护的。这些规则和条件由法律规定,因为它们是公共空间内普遍接受的社会行为规范。通过对适用于南非开普敦金箭巴士服务公司 (Golden Arrow Bus Services) 的运输条件的研究,本文旨在强调城市流动公共空间如何以多种方式、通过行为规则得到调整、协商和控制,这些行为规则将流动公共空间与公共汽车外部环境区分开来。作为城市及其居民社会生活的日常组成部分,公共交通形式的流动性构成微型社区,其公众处于不断变化和协商的状态。通过对运输条件的分析和公共汽车乘客的人类学案例研究,本文展示了这些运输条件如何调整移动公共空间中各行为者在这一特殊情境中的、生活化的组合,这种公共空间是包容和排斥之间的阈限区域。

Keywordsmobility, public transport, public space, bus travel, South Africa

流动性, 公共交通, 公共空间, 巴士旅行, 南非



Do cities enable caring-with men? An ordinary politics of urban care


Nico Canoy(菲律宾马尼拉雅典耀大学首次出版时间:2022/7/12|研究论文

This critical commentary unpacks the promise of care-full and just cities, and how men are understood as subjects of urban care. Overall, my discussion offers a generative space that forwards the situated practices of caring-with men as ordinary politics in order to fully realise the promise of a city for everyone. The main body is divided into three sections. The first section revisits the concept of care-full cities as an alternative vision of the city grounded in feminist ethics of care and justice. Here I aim to expand the discussion on men as subjects of urban care to consider the diverse performances of masculinities in relation to economic conditions, social meanings, and cultural norms which structure spaces and subjectivities of care giving/-receiving. In the second section, I conceptualise caring-with men as ordinary politics shaping the contested relations and place-making practices in the city. Here I highlight that caring-with involves transversal logics and heterogenous politics that enrich how care as a cultural value and everyday practice can be embodied, reinforced, or even neglected among certain groups of men. The last section provides a synthesis and several key reflections on the (im)possibilities of caring-with men in culturally diverse cities. The situated understandings of care giving/-receiving amongst men in the city inspire crosscurrents and interdisciplinary synthesis across bodies of work in urban studies, feminist care geographies and gender/sexuality studies. In conclusion, caring-with men as ordinary politics is a step towards encouraging situated and comparative inquiries through consolidating a hybrid praxis of global urban masculinities.

这篇批判性评论揭示了关怀 (care-full) 和公正城市的前景,以及男性如何被理解为城市关怀的主体。总体而言,我的讨论提供了一个生成空间,可推进参与整体关怀 (caring-with) 的男性的情境化实践,以充分实现城市对每个人的承诺。正文分为三个部分。第一部分重新审视关怀 (care-full) 城市的概念,作为基于女性主义关怀和公正伦理的城市的替代性愿景。在这里,我致力于扩展关于男性作为城市关怀主体的讨论,以考虑男性气质在经济条件、社会意义和文化规范方面的不同表现,正是这些构成了给与/接受关怀的空间和主体性。在第二部分,我对整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性进行概念化,将其视为塑造城市中的争夺关系和场所营造实践的普通政治。在这里,我强调整体关怀 (caring-with) 涉及横向逻辑和异质政治,丰富了关怀作为一种文化价值和日常实践在某些男性群体中形成、加强甚至被忽视的方式。最后一部分提供了一个综合和几个关键的思考,涉及在多元文化城市中实现整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性的(不)可能性。此外,对城市中男性给与/接受关怀的情境化理解能激发城市研究、女权主义护理地理学和性别/性研究等不同领域研究工作之间的交叉和跨学科综合。我们的结论是,通过整合全球城市男子气概混合实践,作为普通政治的整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性朝着鼓励情境化比较研究的方向迈出了一步。
Keywordscaring-with, ethics of care, everyday masculinities, global urban, ordinary politics
关键词整体关怀 (caring-with), 关怀伦理, 日常男子气概, 全球城市, 普通政治振



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