

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十三期,将介绍Urban Studies current issue的五篇论文。主题包括移民拘留经济与城市发展,投机性城市化与生活方式移民,内部移民产业与难民居住地的“影子经济”,移民产业与全球城市塑造,移民产业与移民飞地,欢迎阅读。


‘Unpleasant’ but ‘helpful’: Immigration detention and urban entanglements in New Jersey, USA


Deirdre Conlon(英国利兹大学Nancy Hiemstra(美国石溪大学首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

As a reflection of changing geographies of US migration control, when Essex County, New Jersey’s local government adopted a new immigration detention contract with the federal government, an elected official noted: ‘This is a very unpleasant way of getting revenue…But it’s going to be helpful.’ Despite politically liberal leanings as well as active and expanding resistance to a persistently conservative immigration enforcement agenda from the national level, New Jersey has been a leading provider of detention in the United States, with numerous counties benefiting significantly from immigration crackdowns. This article examines local debates in three New Jersey municipalities alongside public records data that detail financial relationships central to immigration detention operations, to argue that the ensuing relationships intersect and intertwine in ways that make detention economies a critical facet of municipal development. Further, following a 2021 paper by Lauren Martin, we argue that attention to the array of entities that are linked through detention economies demonstrates the usefulness of understanding the migration ‘industry’ as an assemblage. Using a site-specific investigative focus we trace myriad entities’ involvement in immigration detention and reliance on income from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We detail how these multifarious actors, sometimes with opposing views on detention and distinct rationalities, converge in ways that contribute to the further entrenchment of detention in municipal areas. Through this focused case study, our analysis advances a critical migration industries approach and details how detention economies are ‘assembled’ and entangled with urban areas.

摘要当新泽西州埃塞克斯县地方政府通过与联邦政府之间新的移民拘留合同时,作为对美国移民管理地理变化的思考,一位民选官员指出:“这种获得收入的方式非常令人不快。但这会有所帮助。”尽管其政治上的自由主义倾向以及国家层面对一贯保守的移民执法议程的积极主动且不断扩大的抵制,在美国,新泽西州一直是移民拘留的主要来源,许多县从打击移民中受益匪浅。本文研究新泽西州三个城市的地方辩论、以及能详细说明对移民拘留行动而言至关重要的财务关系的公共记录数据,以论证由此产生的关系相互交叉和交织,使得拘留经济成为城市发展的一个关键因素。此外,在劳伦·马丁 (Lauren Martin) 于 2021 年发表的一篇论文的基础上,我们主张,对通过拘留经济联系起来的一系列实体的关注表明了将移民“行业”理解为一个集合体的实用性。我们利用特定于相关地点的调查重点,追踪大量实体对移民拘留的参与以及对来自于移民和海关执法部门收入的依赖。我们详细介绍了这些五花八门的行为者(他们有时对拘留持有相反的观点和各自不同的逻辑)如何融合在一起,进一步固化了各个城市地区的拘留行动。通过这一焦点案例研究,我们的分析推进了一种批判性的移民行业研究,并详细说明了拘留经济是如何“组装”并与城市地区纠缠在一起的。
Keywords assemblages, detention, infrastructure, local government, migration, New Jersey, social justice
关键词集合体, 拘留, 基础设施, 地方政府, 移民, 新泽西州, 社会正义


The interurban migration industry: ‘Migration products’ and the materialisation of urban speculation at Iskandar Malaysia


Sin Yee Koh(马来西亚莫纳什大学首次出版时间:2022/2/23|研究论文

Iskandar Malaysia (IM) is a 4749 km2 urban conurbation and development region located at the Malaysia–Singapore border. State-led development of this regional economic corridor has attracted inflows of foreign investments and spurred the rise of mid- to high-end urban developments by foreign developers. This has resulted in the emergence of an interurban migration industry consisting of intermediary entities that are co-developing and co-marketing ‘migration products’ (real estate, education and lifestyle migration) as an integrated package to middle-class, aspiring transnational investor/lifestyle migrants from the region. This article argues that this middlemen industry is crucial to the materialisation of urban speculation, for state actors and investor/lifestyle migrants alike. Through interurban alliances that capitalise on the broader state-led speculative urbanism landscape, the industry co-creates an imagined urban future that is grounded in transnational lifestyle mobilities. This article highlights the need to analyse speculative urbanism and transnational investment/lifestyle migration as intertwined processes.



Keywords investment/lifestyle migrants, Iskandar Malaysia, real estate–education–migration nexus, speculative urbanism, transnational intermediaries, urban middlemen economy


投资/生活方式移民, 马来西亚伊斯坎达, 房地产-教育-移民关系, 投机性城市化, 跨国中介, 城市中间商经济

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098021992219


Internal migration industries: Shaping the housing options for refugees at the local level


Matthias Bernt(德国莱布尼茨社会空间研究所Ulrike Hamann(德国柏林洪堡大学)Nihad El-Kayed(德国柏林洪堡大学)Leoni Keskinkilic(德国柏林洪堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/9/6|研究论文

In this article, we focus on ways in which ‘internal migration industries’ shape the housing location of refugees in cities. Based on empirical studies in Halle, Schwerin, Berlin, Stuttgart and Dresden, we bring two issues together. First, we show how a specific financialised accumulation model of renting out privatised public housing stock to disadvantaged parts of the population has emerged that increasingly targets migrant tenants. With the growing immigration of refugees to Germany since 2015, this model has intensified. Second, we discuss how access to housing is formed by informal agents. While housing is almost inaccessible for households on social welfare, the situation is even worse for refugees. This situation has given rise to a new ‘shadow economy’ for housing that offers services with dubious quality for excessive fees. Bringing these two issues together, we argue that housing provision to refugees has become a new business opportunity. This has given rise to a broad variety of ‘internal migration industries’ that provide the housing infrastructure, but also control access to housing. This not only results in new opportunities for profit extraction, but actively shapes new patterns of segregation and the concentration of refugees in particular types of disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

摘要 在本文中,我们重点关注“内部移民产业”对城市中难民居住地点的影响。基于在哈雷、施韦林、柏林、斯图加特和德累斯顿的实证研究,我们将两个问题集合在一起。首先,我们展示了一种特定的金融化积累模式的出现,其将存量的私有化公共住房出租给人口中的弱势群体,且越来越多地瞄准外来租户。随着2015年以来越来越多的难民涌入德国,这种模式变本加厉。其次,我们讨论非正规代理人操弄住房获得的情况。享受社会福利的家庭几乎无法获得住房,而难民的情况则更糟。这种情况导致了一种新的住房“影子经济”,其以过高的费用提供质量并不可靠的服务。我们将这两个问题相结合,认为向难民提供住房已经成为一个新的商业机会。这就产生了各种各样的“内部移民产业”,这些产业提供住房基础设施,但也控制获得住房的机会。这不仅带来了榨取利润的新机会,而且还促成了新的隔离模式,以及难民在特定类型的弱势社区的集中。
Keywords gatekeepers, housing market, migration, refugee accommodation, residential segregation
看门人, 住房市场, 移民, 难民住宿, 居住隔离



From global city makers to global city-shapers: Migration industries in the global city networks


Sakura Yamamura(德国马克斯普朗克宗教和种族多样性研究所首次出版时间:2022/4/20 |评论论文

Recently, increasing migrant-led diversity of urban spaces can be expected to be especially observed in global cities, where global flows of capital, goods and people are concentrated. Although this connection between the global phenomenon of transnational migration and the local socio-spatial impacts on the cities appears evident, empirical research on the ‘relationship of migrants and cities’ remains underexplored. Discussions on global city makers have focused primarily on global economic actors, and have paid little attention to actors involved in shaping these global cities locally. This paper sheds new light on the role of migration industries in shaping global cities on the local level, being based empirically on qualitative interviews with transnational migrants and service providers in Tokyo. It discusses how the novel constellation of service firms for the transnational migration from above and below, that is, corporate migration industry in contrast to the conventional migration industry of labour migration, not only contributes to the global flow of transnational migrations into specific cities, but also draws them into specific socio-spatial patterns within the local urban space. By bringing these different types of migration industries conceptually together, it illustrates how socio-spatial diversification processes within global cities are embedded in the global economy (global city makers) but also locally directed by intermediary actors of migration industries (global city shapers). Embedding migration industries into the global cities perspective, it bridges the gap on urban transformation from the global to the local.



Keywordsmigration industry, global city, transnational migration, superdiversity, Tokyo

移民产业, 全球城市, 跨国移民, 超级多样性, 东京



Urban ethnic enclaves and migration industries: The urban choices of mobile people


Hila Zaban(以色列基尼雷特学院首次出版时间:2021/9/30|研究论文

When migrants come in large numbers, they tend to segregate in enclaves where they lead a familiar lifestyle alongside people who can provide a support system. But how do these enclaves come about? This paper engages with migration industries literature, saying that it is ‘the labour involved in managing, facilitating and controlling migration’ that makes it an industry. Relying on the case of privileged Jewish migration to Israel, I argue that while the state remains central in facilitating and controlling migration, migration industries and migrants’ social networks dictate in which urban areas privileged migrants settle, creating unequal urban geographies. To illustrate this, I rely on qualitative data gathered in two research projects I completed in Israel over the past decade, in various Israeli cities relating to migrants and second-home owners from Western countries. I look at how and why people decide where to settle upon migrating and the role of various migration industries actors in their choices. I argue that what seems like individual decision-making is in fact a ‘structured agency’, repeating patterns of the imagined urban geographies produced by agents of migration and various urban stakeholders. The result is unequal patterns of location and consumption, where privileged migrants locate in urban enclaves, distancing themselves from other groups and causing gentrification.

Keywordsethnic enclaves, Israel, migration industries, privileged migration, structured agency
关键词民族飞地, 以色列, 移民产业, 富裕移民, 结构化机制



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