
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(173-177)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Fifty years of Business Improvement Districts: A reappraisal of the dominant perspectives and debates


Daniel Kudla(加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学)

Abstract: Originally created in 1970 by a small group of business people in Toronto’s Bloor West Village, Business Improvement Districts (hereafter BIDs) have become commonplace urban revitalisation strategies in cities across the world. Many critical urban scholars have conceptualised BIDs as neoliberal organisations and have resultantly critiqued their role in contemporary urban governance. With BIDs now existing for over 50 years, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overdue reappraisal of the BID research and orient future scholarship. After describing key debates from early BID research, this paper analyses two distinct themes in more recent scholarship: (1) BID policy mobility, and (2) BIDs and social regulation. As the BID model has been transferred to new locations across both the Global North and South, its rapid mobility demonstrates the permeability, resilience and limits of neoliberal urban policies. Moreover, BIDs’ social control tactics highlight how these organisations are shaped by a neoliberal logic that seeks to manage and control urban spaces in ways that attract desirable consumers and exclude the visible poor. This paper outlines the origins of both bodies of work and traces common patterns and variances over time. It concludes by highlighting gaps in the existing literature and offers suggestions for future work.
摘要:商业改善区(以下简称BID)最初由多伦多布鲁尔西村(Bloor West Village)的一小群商界人士于1970年创建,现已成为世界各地城市振兴策略的通行做法。许多批判性城市学者将BID概念化为新自由主义组织,并因此批评了它们在当代城市治理中的作用。由于BID已经存在了50多年,本文的目的是对BID研究进行一项姗姗来迟的重新评估,并为未来的学术研究指明方向。在阐述了早期BID研究的关键辩论后,本文分析了近期学术研究中的两个不同主题:(1)BID政策流动性,以及(2)BID和社会监管。随着BID模式被复制到全球北方和全球南方的新地点,其快速流动性证明了新自由主义城市政策的渗透性、韧性和局限性。此外,BID的社会控制策略凸显了这些组织如何受到新自由主义逻辑的影响,这种逻辑寻求以吸引理想消费者和排斥可见的贫困阶层的方式管理和控制城市空间。本文概述了这两种工作的起源,并追踪了长期中的共同模式和差异。最后,我们强调现有文献中的空白,并为未来的研究工作提供了建议。
Keywords: Business Improvement Area, Business Improvement District, neoliberal urbanism, policy mobility, social control
关键词:商业改善区, 商业改善分区, 新自由主义城市化, 政策流动性,社会控制



Can residents regain their community relations after resettlement? Insights from Shanghai

Zheng Wang(英国谢菲尔德大学)
Jie Shen(中国复旦大学)
Xiang Luo(中国复旦大学)

Abstract: This article investigates whether residents have been able to regain their sense of belonging and neighbourliness after being resettled in urban China and what factors have prevented or enabled them to do so. There is a growing body of work examining the post-resettlement community relations of residents. However, this process of community rebuilding is mostly understood as resident-led and little is known about the role and influence of state actions such as state-led community building and changing resettlement policies. Our study addresses this gap by drawing on the case of Hesha Hangcheng which is one of Shanghai’s major relocation settlements. Our findings, from analysing a household survey and interviews, show that the sense of belonging and neighbourly relations of residents are poorer compared to before they were resettled. The analysis further reveals that residents who are more satisfied with their new housing and neighbourhood tend to have better neighbourly relations and sense of belonging compared to those who are not satisfied and feel they have lost out from the resettlement. Additionally, the state’s efforts in rebuilding communities by providing more community organisations and activities have given residents a platform to encounter each other and help facilitate neighbourliness and a sense of belonging. Theoretically, our study contributes by revealing the interplay between residents and state-led community rebuilding efforts and how they have affected post-resettlement community relations.
Keywords: community relations, displacement, resettlement, state-led community building, Shanghai
关键词:社区关系, 搬迁, 重新安置, 国家主导的社区建设, 上海

Heat, cold and climatic determinism in China’s urban epidemics

Liz PY Chee(新加坡国立大学)
Dongxin Zou(新加坡国立大学)
Gregory Clancey(新加坡国立大学)

Abstract: ‘Thermal governance’ has been discussed elsewhere as the regulation of temperature through infrastructure, technology and social and political organisation. We extend it here to include a subtle and heretofore under-recognised element of public health: the governance of recent urban epidemics by the Chinese state. The SARS epidemic of 2002–2003 in Guangzhou and more markedly the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan triggered massive emergency responses by public health authorities which differed from previous strategies in more fully activating the state health sector known in China as Chinese Medicine (zhongyi) and outside China as Traditional Chinese Medicine. With this enlistment comes a body of theory and practice which makes meteorology central to diagnostic and prescriptive processes, and reinforces as part of state discourse the long-standing Chinese cultural understanding of ‘heat’ as an internal micro-climatic element transcending temperature.
摘要:“热治理”在有些地方指的是通过基础设施、技术以及社会和政治组织调节温度。在本文中我们将其扩展到包括一个微妙的、迄今尚未得到认可的公共卫生要素:中国政府对近期对城市流行病的治理。2002—2003年广州爆发的非典疫情,以及影响更大的2019冠状病毒病,引发了公共卫生部门大规模应急反应,这些应急反应与之前的战略不同,更充分地激活了一个国家卫生领域,该领域在中国被称为“中医”,而在中国以外被称为“传统中国医学”(Traditional Chinese Medicine)。随之而来的是一系列理论和实践,使气象学成为诊断和处方开具流程的中心,并作为国家话语的一部分,加强了中国文化存在已久的对“热”的理解,把“热”看作一个超越温度的内部微气候要素。
Keywords: Chinese Medicine, COVID-19, epidemics, heat, SARS
关键词:中医, 新冠肺炎, 流行病, 热, 非典型性肺炎(SARS)

Hukou as benefits: Demand for hukou and wages in China

Samantha A Vortherms(美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校)
Gordon G Liu(中国北京大学)

Abstract: As China encourages urbanisation, a necessary process is the urbanisation of its people, granting local-urban hukou, or local citizenship, to migrant populations. But reforms encouraging urbanisation are dependent on migrant populations wanting to become formal, registered urban residents. What is the demand for hukou? Based on a unique probabilistically-sampled contingent valuation survey of over 900 migrants in Beijing and Changsha, we use migrants’ willingness-to-pay for hukou as a measure of demand for urbanisation. We find that migrants in Beijing are willing to give up between 9% and 14% of their income over five years to gain local-urban hukou. Migrants in Changsha are much less willing to pay for hukou with a willingness-to-pay indistinguishable from zero, and rural migrants have a negative willingness-to-pay. This study contributes to the broader literature on the impact of China’s hukou system by providing a unique test of migrant workers’ willingness-to-pay for local citizenship.
Keywords: China, contingent valuation, household registration, hukuo, migration, urbanization
关键词:中国, 条件评估, 户籍登记, 迁移, 城市化

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十三期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十四期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十五期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十六期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百七十七期

Urban Studies 文章精选(159-162)‍
Urban Studies 文章精选(163-168
Urban Studies 文章精选(169-172)

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